原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2020-01-30 23:02:28
Lots talk about how low you can go (step size, I usually print .02 mm), but what about the other end of the spectrum, how big a step size can you print? I have a part I'm not too concerned with resolution and I'll be looking for a speedier print, so how large a step can I go and what's the trend with the exposure time?
Nipuna Gunarathne 2020-01-30 23:06:21
Richard Shapiro 2020-01-30 23:20:42
Michael J Fuller 2020-01-30 23:32:24
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2020-01-17 04:17:20
At the risk of sounding stupid...
When releveling the build plate, we use a piece of paper to achieve level, as well as establish an offset from the LCD. This becomes Z=0. Has anyone seen what that dimensional offset is supposed to be? That is, a piece of paper mics to about .1mm (with mic squish it's a little less, and naturally there's some variability in paper thickness). And I'm assuming Anycubic chose that as paper is ubiquitous worldwide, not everyone has feeler gauges. So, is .1 mm intended to be the offset from the LCD, and therefore Z=0?
Gabe Snooks 2020-01-17 04:26:21
Michael J Fuller 2020-01-17 04:29:48
Alexander Bayerdorffer 2020-01-17 04:39:40
Jarin Udom 2020-01-17 05:08:58
Alexander Bayerdorffer 2020-01-17 05:09:28
Jason Pedersen 2020-01-17 05:23:31
Nipuna Gunarathne 2020-01-17 06:06:36
Brian Todoroff 2020-01-19 14:36:08
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2020-01-09 02:35:47
Just had an odd failure of sorts. Didn't take any pictures as I had popped home at lunch to check the printer and needed to get in and out quickly, so this might not get any traction. What seems to have occurred is that during the print, a thin film of resin cured/formed over the top of the vat. It must have formed during the print as it only affected the tallest part and only towards the last 1/4 of the print. My printer is in an ikea cabinet, and I've gone to some efforts to make it light proof. However, it is right next to a window and today it is very sunny. How intrusive is UV? Furthermore, does the printer's yellow windows discourage UV at all (it's in the closed ikea cabinet and the printer itself is closed, naturally)? At least that's the direction I'm trending, but maybe someone has seen similar and has a proper explanation? For this print (Anycubic Black) I was experimenting with reducing print time from 7.2s to 6.5 to see the results. So I set it up this morning before I left for work; total run time being about 4.5 hours.
Jarin Udom 2020-01-09 02:41:21
Michael J Fuller 2020-01-09 02:52:39
Jarin Udom 2020-01-09 02:53:09
Michael J Fuller 2020-01-09 03:16:35
Jarin Udom 2020-01-09 03:23:05
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2020-01-06 00:13:29
Printing Anycubic Black, been having great results. 10 mm offset from bed, .02mm step height, 7.2s exposure. I'm wanting to refine as I'm having a slight issue whenever I put supports into a flat surface (mix of medium and light). Two images, first shows flat surface post support removal. The issue is the flat surface is lumpy; the second image is the comparator with the flat surface not being used for the supports. I have this issue often, when supporting into a flat surface, that surface itself becomes distorted/lumpy. Its almost as if the proximity/density of the supports doesnt allow resin to move out/drain and light refraction causes the resin to cure locally. Perhaps I'm using too many supports? I'll post this and add a screen shot of my support scheme.
Peter Csaki 2020-01-06 00:16:20
Nicolas Imbeault 2020-01-06 00:19:21
Michael J Fuller 2020-01-06 00:20:32
Michael J Fuller 2020-01-06 00:21:05
Richard Humble 2020-01-06 00:28:43
Darron Rodrigues 2020-01-06 00:41:05
Valentin Ciotic 2020-01-06 00:55:50
Richard Humble 2020-01-06 01:14:09
Valentin Ciotic 2020-01-06 05:20:22
Richard Humble 2020-01-06 06:23:51
Michael J Fuller 2020-01-06 08:13:03
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2019-09-30 06:13:15
Michael J Fuller 2019-09-30 06:14:22
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2019-09-24 10:07:53
So I've had a lot of success printing 1/350 scale submarines on Shapeways. At this scale it's a bit of a trick emulating the look of the actual subject using simple techniques to impart prominent details. Over time I've developed my own design guide based on experience and what Shapeway's printers can achieve and I've been very pleased with the results.
So this is my first attempt at using my Photon to prototype my latest, and the results were somewhat middling.
I've seen where some print the subject angled. Is this a case for angled printing?
What about exposure settings? Is there anything in there worth tweaking? I'm using Anycubic Black. What about another flavor of resin?
I'm using the firmware that came with the machine under the auspices if it aint broke don't fix. Is the AA feature of the latest firmware worth it?
Are my expectations too high? Can the Photon achieve the delicate parting lines/embossing? Thoughts?
Adrian Carter 2019-09-24 12:41:17
Mike McCreery 2019-09-24 13:06:10
Nicholas Pope 2019-09-24 17:17:31
Michael J Fuller 2019-09-24 20:22:34
Michael J Fuller 2019-09-24 20:28:11
Michael J Fuller 2019-09-24 20:29:05
Adrian Carter 2019-09-24 20:33:29
Nicholas Pope 2019-09-24 20:37:38
Mike McCreery 2019-09-24 20:49:39
Michael J Fuller 2019-09-24 20:50:53
Mike McCreery 2019-09-24 20:52:34
Marc de Hoogh 2019-09-24 22:33:28
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 04:12:17
Preparing for my first print and as much as I read this forum, there's still no substitute for actually doing (as opposed to just reading). That said, just need some advice on the best way to print this. I've gone the 45 degree route as can be seen. One area I want to highlight, the "back side" of the 45 degree tilt, I've put "light" supports there exclusively and I'm wondering if I'm fooling myself? I want to avoid losing the rivet detail when I have to clip and sand the supports, hence the light supports in that area. Also, some of the supports are taaaall; I have a few tall, light, supports picking up details inside the turret. Again, am I fooling myself thinking that this will work? The detail is so small it would just be absorbed by a medium support, so was my thinking. Thoughts on what I've presented?
Maggie Jenner-Bennett 2019-04-17 04:14:54
Maggie Jenner-Bennett 2019-04-17 04:16:59
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 04:18:47
Maggie Jenner-Bennett 2019-04-17 04:19:39
Maggie Jenner-Bennett 2019-04-17 04:20:08
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 04:20:35
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 04:22:19
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 04:49:03
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 04:49:18
Richard Humble 2019-04-17 05:30:49
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 07:47:21
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-17 07:47:56
Bob Deblier 2019-04-17 14:40:45
Richard Humble 2019-04-17 15:04:25
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2019-04-08 18:32:33
What size allen key should fit this? I have metric and standard sets and nothing gives me confidence.
Markus Schönfelder 2019-04-08 18:42:25
David Nicholls 2019-04-08 18:59:08
Rob Jansen 2019-04-08 19:00:18
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-08 19:00:35
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-08 19:08:26
Rob Jansen 2019-04-08 19:09:40
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-08 19:13:45
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-08 19:24:54
Luke Mason 2019-04-08 19:42:00
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-08 19:43:47
Rob Jansen 2019-04-08 19:43:54
Krunoslav Zlomislic 2019-04-08 19:50:09
Eric Wilfreesboro 2019-04-08 20:08:08
Eric Wilfreesboro 2019-04-08 20:08:35
Michael J Fuller 2019-04-08 20:11:39
Chad Elstad 2019-04-08 22:28:35
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2019-03-11 10:17:42
Unlike others, I've opted for the Hallan cabinet from Ikea and have noted when the Photon is placed on the floor of the cabinet, the weight of the printer deflects the sheet metal bottom. I've also noticed that the bottom isn't particularly stable inasmuch as the deflection seems to make the entire bottom susceptible to vibrations. Minor vibrations, more like vertical oscillations that maybe the machine would generate while operating?
So the question is, how stable does it need to be? I could very easily fabricate a couple of sheet metal ribs/stiffners and rivet them to the bottom, but would it be necessary? It's very doable, just adds time. And now would be the time to do it before I get going.
Toby Kirkby 2019-03-11 10:24:27
Joe Broggio 2019-03-11 10:25:31
Richard Shapiro 2019-03-11 11:01:47
Michael J Fuller 2019-03-11 11:10:13
伟洪 2019-03-11 13:06:46
伟洪 2019-03-11 13:09:51
Luke Mason 2019-03-12 05:20:32
原文網址 Michael J Fuller 2019-01-04 22:42:05
I'm a few weeks away from making my purchase and I was wondering if there is a FAQ for newbies posted somewhere?
Zena Andreou 2019-01-04 23:38:13
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