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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-03-24 17:18:34

I just broke a model, and there are uncured resin inside of it.
Is there any way to avoid this ?
I have hollowed the model and cured it, but there are still slimy resin inside ?


Sander van Deijl
2020-03-24 17:20:05

Put holes in the model and rinse it out during the washing phase. Hollowed models should always have holes in the

David Cornell
2020-03-24 17:20:13

Did you put a hole in it?

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-03-24 17:21:10

Yes i put holes in it if i remember coreect

Jon-paul Blinston
2020-03-24 17:24:45

Someone was making/selling led light wands to cure internal resins. You basically inserted the 3mm UV led into a drainage hole and turn it on?

Sam Applegarth
2020-03-24 17:24:56

Always add TWO holes to a hollowed model. One lets air out while the other lets water/IPA/cleaning liquid of choice in. Dunk the model, roll it around under the cleaner liquid so that it gets into all the pockets inside, and keep it under until you sto p seeing air bubbles come out. Remove from the liquid, cover the holes with your finger(s) and give it a good shake to help dislodge any stuck particles inside. Let the liquid drain out of the holes. Repeat 2-3 times.

John Chrapkowski
2020-03-24 17:58:28

Use a syringe to squirt into the hole

Felix Olbrich
2020-03-24 18:09:01

Could you Show us a Pictures of the Print? I would Like to See how big the Print is.

Jim Nelson
2020-03-24 21:42:27

I always add at least 2 of the largest holes that will fit on the model. Once off the plate and out of the ultrasonic cleaner, clean out the interior supports as much as possible using a pair of long tweezers. Then I use a 100 cc syringe to flush the i nterior, taking care to try and get into any interior corner. When curing in sunlight, I always take care to expose the side with holes to sun for a good while. If that seems insufficient, or if its rainy or cloudy, I use these small UVs to illuminate the interior.

TJ Robichaux
2020-03-24 23:06:47

When you hollow you also need to ensure there are no "chambers" that hollow without access to your drain holes

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-03-25 00:32:06

Thanks for your replys... will do diffrent in the future (Y)

Bill Griffin
2020-03-25 02:12:47

and where would one get those?

Jim Nelson
2020-03-25 02:19:19

Bill Griffin Amazon. Or you might check eBay.

Bill Griffin
2020-03-25 02:29:42

What is the name I should search for what brand

Bill Griffin
2020-03-25 02:32:11

Jim Nelson
2020-03-25 02:32:16

Bill Griffin
2020-03-25 02:32:53

:P Just posted same one on .ca

Bill Griffin
2020-03-25 02:33:43

Thank you. :)

Bill Griffin
2020-03-25 02:34:44

No one selling as of right now on either Amazon :(

Stefan Giudici
2020-03-25 15:19:34

Put holes near the build plate so air can get in while printing

Nikola Pijanac
2020-03-25 16:08:05

If you put holes in your model, eg at the bottom of the feet of a model or any other place where you wont notice the hole so much, allows for your cleaning fluid to go into the model so you can swish it about and allows for any uncured resin to drain out. If you dont want to add holes then leave your model to cure in sunlight and that will generally get to any residue resin inside the model.

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-02-03 07:38:34

Looking for some help.
I want these skulps to be ekstra nice and the details to come better out.

What should be my settings ?
Anycubic Photon and Gray anycubic resin.


Dan Elent
2020-02-03 08:48:03

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-02-03 13:44:31

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-02-03 13:45:37

Dan Elent
2020-02-03 13:49:06

Sander van Deijl
2020-02-03 18:20:46

Sally Blu
2020-02-04 08:24:09

Stephen Cimarelli
2020-02-08 18:50:59

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-02-08 20:32:05

Robert Stoneman
2020-02-08 23:09:28

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-02-09 08:07:05

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-02-09 08:09:23

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-27 19:44:14

Anybody knows how mutch resin there could be in the Vat without it goes over the bolts of the plate ?


Jeremy Babcock
2020-01-27 19:53:57

Richard Webb
2020-01-27 20:38:33

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-27 21:23:12

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-07 22:49:46

Help please, what is the best orientation on a tank ?
I have tried 2 diff. orientation, flat on the traks and on 23 % on the X, both didn't print well.
Please have you tried other ?


Cam Erasmus
2020-01-07 22:55:01

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-07 22:57:10

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-07 22:58:07

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-07 22:58:30

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-07 23:00:31

Cam Erasmus
2020-01-07 23:00:31

Chris Cassaday
2020-01-07 23:03:20

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-07 23:08:58

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2020-01-07 23:09:50

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 18:35:52

I'm using the slicer that came with the machine.
Funny thing is that some times when I slice a model, the program shuts down, anybody knows why ?


David Martin
2019-12-22 18:39:00

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 18:40:34

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 18:41:19

David Martin
2019-12-22 18:41:22

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 18:41:32

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 18:41:44

David Martin
2019-12-22 18:43:14

David Martin
2019-12-22 18:43:40

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 18:51:13

David Martin
2019-12-22 18:52:04

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 22:32:26

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-12-22 22:33:04

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-11-20 21:47:07

Was there not a file with exposior time on a sheet for diff. resins ?

I looked but no luck, plz help :)

Thanks (Y)


Casper Jensen
2019-11-20 21:48:39

Casper Jensen
2019-11-22 07:43:58

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-11-22 13:34:47

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-13 01:44:53

Noob quistion again, sorry!

Is this normal or a problem ?
How do I get rid of it ?


Jason Croft
2019-09-13 01:48:29

Mark Wardle
2019-09-13 01:48:47

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-13 01:48:56

Che Fielding
2019-09-13 01:49:06

Mark Wardle
2019-09-13 01:49:06

Che Fielding
2019-09-13 01:50:09

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-13 01:50:19

Jose Sicairos
2019-09-13 01:54:06

Chad Elstad
2019-09-13 02:02:26

Che Fielding
2019-09-13 02:08:07

Yawmiyatu Lmouzanbik
2019-09-13 02:23:36

Andrew McKay
2019-09-13 02:34:15

Jerod Jarvis
2019-09-13 02:43:14

Tino Mack
2019-09-13 02:56:14

Tino Mack
2019-09-13 02:57:10

Martin Sirakov
2019-09-13 03:36:00

Jlee Usn
2019-09-13 10:39:20

Scott Pavlich
2019-09-13 22:06:43

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-09 00:55:53

Qustion.... how mutch power does the machine use if it run 24/7 ?
I need to calc. The cost of power, says the wife ?


Chris Shipman
2019-09-09 00:59:00

Che Fielding
2019-09-09 01:00:36

Will Shawcross
2019-09-09 01:07:27

Nolan Bakema
2019-09-09 01:09:48

James Boltin
2019-09-09 01:10:22

Will Shawcross
2019-09-09 01:10:26

Michael Tennent
2019-09-09 09:23:32

Jim Abshire
2019-09-09 11:19:46

Spike Walker
2019-09-09 15:39:25

Steve Roberts
2019-09-09 16:18:40

Ryan Miles Dika
2019-09-09 21:32:11

James O'Keane
2019-09-09 21:58:44

James Boltin
2019-09-10 00:28:56

Robert Pope
2019-09-10 01:08:02

Paul West
2019-09-10 05:54:11

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-08 20:50:50

Why is my machine making this sound ?
This is my first try on the machine...


Neil Ramsay
2019-09-08 20:53:31

Neil Ramsay
2019-09-08 20:53:42

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-08 20:54:24

Neil Ramsay
2019-09-08 20:54:28

AusRob Kirgan
2019-09-08 21:00:26

Edward House
2019-09-08 21:03:26

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-08 21:04:33

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-08 21:05:38

Edward House
2019-09-08 21:23:14

Edward House
2019-09-08 21:24:25

Dustin Scott
2019-09-08 22:35:23

Dave Smith
2019-09-08 22:43:23

Arthur Withier
2019-09-08 23:06:06

Neil Ramsay
2019-09-08 23:57:59

Keif Davies
2019-09-09 01:58:34

Jay Jones
2019-09-09 04:24:40

Jay Jones
2019-09-09 04:25:20

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-09 04:28:38

Greg Greenaae
2019-09-09 05:04:15

Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-09 06:24:18

Fletcher Kinnear
2019-09-09 15:09:18

Jens Prahl
2019-09-09 21:51:36

原文網址 Simon Nordahl Thomsen
2019-09-02 13:33:17

Hey, Quistion.... what is the diff on these two, besides the price ;)

https://www.ebay.co.uk/…/Anycubic-Photon-DLP-…/142899785528… Og


Can't figurer it out and the price is a big diff.


Nick Eichler
2019-09-02 13:34:45



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