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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 David Dorsett
2020-03-03 22:52:57

Having a little coffee with my resin stirrer. Using a old coffee pot is so much cheaper than a beaker. Plus the opening is large enough to put your hand in. How do you wash your prints?

和我的樹脂攪拌機喝杯咖啡. 使用舊咖啡壺比啤酒便宜多了. 另外, 開口足夠大, 可以把手伸進去. 你怎麼洗你的指紋?

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John Chrapkowski
2020-03-03 23:49:17

Michael Pippin
2020-03-04 00:17:34

Ricardo Leon
2020-03-04 03:02:21

Alicia Tarr
2020-03-04 03:53:50

Ricardo Leon
2020-03-04 03:59:32

Alicia Tarr
2020-03-04 04:04:43

David Dorsett
2020-03-04 04:07:41

Philip J Newman
2020-03-04 11:50:25

John Miceli
2020-03-04 22:19:42

Jason Archuleta
2020-03-04 22:59:38

Matt Shears
2020-03-04 23:28:35

Jason Archuleta
2020-03-05 00:04:08

David Dorsett
2020-03-05 05:21:08

John Miceli
2020-03-05 07:50:25

Robin Stiller
2020-03-05 10:29:47

David Dorsett
2020-03-05 10:43:07

Robin Stiller
2020-03-05 11:00:47

Robin Stiller
2020-03-05 11:01:13

Dodo Kovacs
2020-03-05 18:29:28

Gary Houser
2020-03-05 21:04:19

原文網址 David Dorsett
2020-02-20 21:25:05

For you that like a little heavy reading, here is an interesting article on how McDonald's used french fry oil was converted in to resin.


Michalis Strouthos
2020-02-20 21:31:09

Kevin Robins
2020-02-20 21:40:00

Jim Debruyne
2020-02-20 22:19:48

Philip Bouchon
2020-02-21 07:22:47

Dylan Drummond
2020-02-21 12:14:41

David Collinson
2020-02-21 12:43:49

Tim Moulton
2020-02-21 16:32:04

原文網址 David Dorsett
2020-02-03 02:49:26

Here are the results of ZYLtech's new resin. I added a few drops of black dye. The one on the left with the axe was rinsed with Mr. Clean. The one on the right with the spear was rinsed in IPA.

I really like the feel of this resin after it's cured. It feels very solid and not soft. The resin smell is low. Finally I like the bottle it comes in. It pours smoothly and very little sticks to the lid.

Good job ZYLtech, now I can get both my filament and resin from the same company.

Have you had a chance to try it yet?


Jerome Dupont IV
2020-02-03 02:53:32

Jesse Mouré
2020-02-03 02:55:04

Robert Nisson
2020-02-03 02:55:43

Benjamin Corcoran
2020-02-03 02:55:58

Robert C Sotomayor
2020-02-03 02:56:10

Steven J Greenfield
2020-02-03 03:06:56

Ryan Tudor
2020-02-03 03:24:12

Giosnò Dizze
2020-02-03 03:41:18

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 04:12:55

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 04:14:07

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 04:15:22

Steven J Greenfield
2020-02-03 04:21:40

Steven J Greenfield
2020-02-03 04:23:45

Steven J Greenfield
2020-02-03 04:25:05

Steven J Greenfield
2020-02-03 04:26:22

Steven J Greenfield
2020-02-03 04:28:10

Steven J Greenfield
2020-02-03 04:29:20

Giosnò Dizze
2020-02-03 05:52:34

Jon Foster
2020-02-03 11:39:14

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 12:57:10

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 12:57:27

Jim Nelson
2020-02-03 18:28:04

原文網址 David Dorsett
2020-02-02 06:15:21

Woot look what I got today. ZYLTech's new resin. Hopefully I'll have some new prints shortly.


Hector Alvarez
2020-02-02 06:18:49

Thomas Harrell
2020-02-02 06:22:06

Charles Berman
2020-02-02 06:27:51

Chris Roberts
2020-02-02 06:50:48

Dustin Wiebe
2020-02-02 06:57:06

Jason Willis
2020-02-02 06:59:23

Ken Ishio
2020-02-02 07:05:09

Oscar Salazar
2020-02-02 07:07:46

James Baker
2020-02-02 07:08:55

Chris Roberts
2020-02-02 07:10:34

Rick Hanson
2020-02-02 07:20:10

Jhon Pier Acuña Escalante
2020-02-02 07:27:43

Roger Munguia
2020-02-02 07:56:05

Jason Archuleta
2020-02-02 08:07:09

Justin Miller
2020-02-02 09:23:39

Bruno Tabarani
2020-02-02 09:23:40

Justin Miller
2020-02-02 09:25:25

Justin Miller
2020-02-02 09:26:08

Rick Hanson
2020-02-02 09:27:31

Justin Miller
2020-02-02 09:28:45

Erick Oneil
2020-02-02 09:59:24

David Dorsett
2020-02-02 10:17:51

David Dorsett
2020-02-02 10:18:22

David Dorsett
2020-02-02 10:33:06

David Dorsett
2020-02-02 10:36:35

Kim Bourrie
2020-02-02 11:03:48

Julia Nichols
2020-02-02 11:15:53

Chris Roberts
2020-02-02 11:32:23

Samuel Balaban
2020-02-02 11:51:28

Clinton Hegney
2020-02-02 11:54:33

Jason Archuleta
2020-02-02 12:07:20

Lj Schulz
2020-02-02 12:18:26

Benjamin Oppenheimer
2020-02-02 12:58:54

2020-02-02 12:59:45

Upendra Hoshing
2020-02-02 13:07:08

Jon Foster
2020-02-02 13:37:02

Corey Faure
2020-02-02 15:51:47

Paul Lester
2020-02-02 17:29:53

Hobbie Gus Gus
2020-02-02 17:57:43

David Dorsett
2020-02-02 21:50:25

David Dorsett
2020-02-02 21:54:52

Dimas Putro Arnindyo
2020-02-02 23:35:05

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 02:26:10

Jarrod Smith
2020-02-03 10:01:29

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 13:06:19

David Dorsett
2020-02-03 13:06:34

Michael Bradley-Robbins
2020-02-03 14:46:03

原文網址 David Dorsett
2020-01-21 00:03:45

If you have tried the exposure test and could not decide which number was best, you can always print the AmeraLab Town in 2 increments. I mainly compared the letters on the building and the logo on the building. I found 14 second exposure works well with SainSmart Rapid Gray.

Have you used this technic for finding the exposure?

如果你嘗試過曝光測試, 無法決定哪個數字是最好的, 你可以隨時以2次遞增列印ameralab鎮. 我主要比較了大樓上的字母和大樓的標誌. 我發現sainsmart快速灰色的14秒曝光效果很好.


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Jesper Lindhardt
2020-01-21 00:29:39

Aleksey Kulagin
2020-01-21 00:43:14

David Dorsett
2020-01-21 00:53:51

Valentin Ciotic
2020-01-21 05:08:43

Valentin Ciotic
2020-01-21 05:09:02

Valentin Ciotic
2020-01-21 05:09:08

David Dorsett
2020-01-21 06:42:28

Valentin Ciotic
2020-01-21 06:45:09

Valentin Ciotic
2020-01-21 06:47:16

Valentin Ciotic
2020-01-21 06:51:14

Tim Felts
2020-01-21 06:52:54

Janus Stark
2020-02-21 22:19:12

原文網址 David Dorsett
2020-01-18 08:50:13

Son: Dad can your printer make baby Yoda?
Me : Yes
Son: I need 10 by Monday and can you paint them?


Keegan Bradford
2020-01-18 08:52:13

Joey Smith
2020-01-18 08:52:33

James Edward
2020-01-18 08:56:09

Neil Forster
2020-01-18 08:57:20

Evan Rosario
2020-01-18 09:00:10

Odin Jonez
2020-01-18 09:01:51

Kevin Piatz
2020-01-18 09:03:23

Clinton Barnard
2020-01-18 09:13:47

Garrett Grabowski
2020-01-18 09:19:29

Brennan BK Kerr
2020-01-18 09:39:09

Jarrod Smith
2020-01-18 09:51:32

Chad Elstad
2020-01-18 09:52:03

Geno Quillia
2020-01-18 10:08:30

Jeremy Weber
2020-01-18 10:11:33

Jeremy Weber
2020-01-18 10:11:47

Christopher Barnes
2020-01-18 10:53:42

Priscilla Holloway
2020-01-18 11:09:37

Wes Swain
2020-01-18 11:16:43

Jeffrey L. Deltano
2020-01-18 11:26:23

Mike Kendel
2020-01-18 12:00:09

James Doby
2020-01-18 12:06:44

Zach Chenoweth
2020-01-18 12:41:09

Ray Sears
2020-01-18 12:59:03

Christopher Finlinson
2020-01-18 13:56:54

Smith Hayward
2020-01-18 14:39:02

Smith Hayward
2020-01-18 14:39:49

Perchy Lee
2020-01-18 17:54:12

Chris Cody
2020-01-18 19:36:14

Kenneth Geerts
2020-01-18 19:44:18

Perchy Lee
2020-01-18 19:47:04

Dave Dewees
2020-01-18 20:02:09

Kenneth Geerts
2020-01-18 20:34:28

Alison Friedlander
2020-01-18 22:31:35

Clinton Hegney
2020-01-18 22:33:00

Smith Hayward
2020-01-18 22:40:16

Sean Smith
2020-01-18 23:43:27

Justin Miller
2020-01-19 01:45:24

Justin Miller
2020-01-19 01:46:04

Priscilla Holloway
2020-01-19 01:54:30

Randall Nall
2020-01-19 02:42:00

Jeremy Weber
2020-01-19 02:43:02

Mike Kendel
2020-01-19 03:17:00

Miłosz Gorzula
2020-01-19 04:53:00

Gary Bunda
2020-01-20 10:36:05

Justin Miller
2020-01-20 10:52:35

原文網址 David Dorsett
2019-11-04 21:22:32

I was not to happy with how the anycubic white resin turns yellow after curing. So I thought I would add a few drops of blue food coloring to the mix. It didn't mix well in the vat, but while printing it turned out better.

What types of dye have you used?


原文網址 David Dorsett
2019-11-02 06:15:45

I have seen this chart used frequently, to set the angle of the print for a resin printer. However, I have not see a test to see if it really makes a difference. So, I built one in tinkercad. Print it using your settings. Do you notice an improvement?


Patrick Stark
2019-11-02 06:33:55

Cody Farnsworth
2019-11-02 10:23:32

Dat Chau
2019-11-02 12:33:20

原文網址 David Dorsett
2019-10-13 06:31:52

Looks like I'll be arming some warriors tonight. These are the rewards from the Epic Enemies kickstartter. What kickstarted have you backed lately?


Danny Lloyd
2019-10-13 06:33:35

Shannon Badgley
2019-10-13 06:34:39

Dallas Smith
2019-10-13 07:52:05

David Dorsett
2019-10-13 08:05:47

David Dorsett
2019-10-13 08:07:35

Shannon Badgley
2019-10-13 08:08:16

Shannon Badgley
2019-10-13 08:09:08

David Dorsett
2019-10-13 08:11:22

David Dorsett
2019-10-13 08:32:08

原文網址 David Dorsett
2019-09-25 11:55:00

I had the opportunity to try ANYCUBIC's EC "Plant Based" UV Resin out today. I picked orange, it is a very light orange. I think I would have liked nerf gun orange better.

The resin worked well in my Photon using Layer Height .04, Bottom Layer 6, Exposure Time 10 and Bottom Exposure Time 50.

I am not sure it you can tell by the picture how well it printed, so here is another in gray primer.

If feels softer than normal ANYCUBIC resin, more like the Elegoo resin.

Right now it seems a bit higher price but as demand grows I think it will be "in-the-ball-park" with other resin.

Of course the biggest concern is the smell and yes it does smell less than normal resin.

Do you think you will try it?


Mark Woodworth
2019-09-25 12:02:15

Steven Howland
2019-09-25 12:30:27

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2019-09-25 15:00:04

Vaughan Lundin
2019-09-25 16:10:18

David Dorsett
2019-09-25 19:55:42

Brandy Wickersham Swigart
2019-09-26 04:40:52

Brandy Wickersham Swigart
2019-09-26 04:41:16

David Dorsett
2019-09-26 07:03:22

Stefan Giudici
2019-09-26 11:31:12

Brandy Wickersham Swigart
2019-09-26 19:41:01

Stefan Giudici
2019-09-26 19:53:03

Colin Cowper
2019-09-26 20:31:18



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