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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-07-24 14:26:15

Have any of you tried to chrome paint the your printed parts ? can't seem to find a solution ?


Winup McModels
2019-07-24 14:32:44

Luke Mason
2019-07-24 14:34:24

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-07-24 14:42:16

Brian Harrison
2019-07-24 14:45:43

Manuel Galán
2019-07-24 15:01:19

Nathan Grubb
2019-07-24 15:12:55

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-07-24 15:13:10

Kempster Kevin
2019-07-24 15:34:19

Randy Schaar
2019-07-24 21:32:34

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-07-25 04:32:32

Joel Mendoza
2019-07-25 05:17:26

Manuel Galán
2019-07-25 07:03:59

Manuel Galán
2019-07-25 09:28:46

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-06-05 03:22:12

Beside that the legs wont love i got that Anycubic Black ajusted to my Photon S. Is it just me or is the Black resin thiner than the green one ? my Black is more like water and the green is more like melasse ?


Andrey Sabrev
2019-06-05 03:49:34

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-06-05 03:50:54

Andrey Sabrev
2019-06-05 03:52:31

Richard Humble
2019-06-05 03:58:54

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-06-05 03:59:45

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-06-05 03:59:56

Olivia Nettles
2019-06-06 03:34:36

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-28 02:04:39

Have any of you seen something like this “ghostfile”? I have seen it some times ? there is only the print file on the USB nothing else. Generated with Chitubox on a imac ? yes i have tried other USB stick end other files but there is still a ghostfile, but the print still come out perfect ?


Michael Muir
2019-05-28 02:51:06

Michael Van Kesteren
2019-05-28 04:19:04

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-24 19:09:05

Why is it that my Photon S just prints perfect every time i print ?? I have NO issue with levelling,USB,screen,nuts and bolts or PSU. I have even tried to destroy the FEP with the scraper and change it to a new one but still it prints perfect ?? Maby i will change it to a normal version and then rebuild that with new firmware and double z axis to just get a little fustration ? but until then i will just print some more stuff ? ?


Joseph Kason
2019-05-24 19:16:51

David Scott
2019-05-24 19:18:30

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-24 19:18:47

Joseph Kason
2019-05-24 19:19:10

Joseph Bushen
2019-05-24 19:28:31

Michael J Morris
2019-05-24 19:53:26

Michael Earley
2019-05-24 19:53:41

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-24 19:55:25

Michael Earley
2019-05-24 19:55:57

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-24 20:01:26

Dominick Trascritti
2019-05-24 20:28:02

Robert Mun
2019-05-24 20:33:21

Horris Borris
2019-05-24 22:24:08

Gary Houser
2019-05-24 22:45:34

Joel Reid
2019-05-24 23:35:22

Gary Houser
2019-05-25 00:20:41

Dustin Skye
2019-05-25 01:25:45

Mark Wardle
2019-05-25 01:26:46

Gary Houser
2019-05-25 01:27:30

Berk Erkul
2019-05-25 04:18:47

Mark Wardle
2019-05-25 04:34:41

Kyle Urban
2019-05-25 04:40:46

Nelson Phoung
2019-05-25 05:32:17

Stephen Farrell
2019-05-25 05:55:23

Ed Wilson
2019-05-25 05:57:29

Robert Mun
2019-05-25 07:28:35

Adalberto Rodriguez
2019-05-25 10:20:07

Jack Hydrazines
2019-05-25 13:03:40

Robert Cvengros
2019-05-25 17:17:31

Ed Wilson
2019-05-25 23:29:10

Sen Kun
2019-05-26 00:05:17

Horris Borris
2019-05-26 23:59:42

Stefan Giudici
2019-05-29 17:29:37

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-29 17:31:40

Stefan Giudici
2019-05-29 17:32:43

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-29 17:33:34

Dibbs Dibblethwaite
2019-05-29 22:04:51

Saif Asim
2019-05-30 17:12:56

Wayne Rogers
2019-06-01 01:35:26

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-18 15:45:21

Hi' can someone please explain to me how does the Off time, Z lift and Z speed influent on the print ?? when do i have to change it ? Right now im runnig thru my first 250ml Green resin with standart settings from AC and the first 6 prints is 100% spot on. But if i change to another coulor do i then have to change these parameters? I know that the Light on time has to fit different resin, but i can't find anything about the other parameters.. Thx and let's print :-)


Marco Wintermayr
2019-05-18 15:50:37

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2019-05-18 16:02:36

Niall Forrester
2019-05-18 17:14:39

Richard Thomas
2019-05-18 18:19:33

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2019-05-18 18:21:01

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-16 03:48:26

A NOOB question :-) when i'm finish with printing today, i will leave the resin in the tray for tomorrow, BUT do i rais the buildplate to the top or sink it down in the resin??


Paul Churchill
2019-05-16 03:49:57

Mark Wardle
2019-05-16 03:52:15

Paul Churchill
2019-05-16 03:56:45

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-16 04:00:45

Mike Tree
2019-05-16 05:19:07

Richard Shapiro
2019-05-16 06:42:06

Paul Churchill
2019-05-16 06:52:05

Richard Shapiro
2019-05-16 06:54:24

Eduardo Herrero Ayuso
2019-05-17 02:14:53

Mark Wardle
2019-05-17 02:17:13

Eduardo Herrero Ayuso
2019-05-17 02:18:54

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-16 03:34:53

First testprint on the Photon S ? absolute perfect i think. Now i’m in for some selfdesign then we must see how that end up ? ?


Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-16 03:42:47

Florian Biscuy
2019-05-16 04:04:29

Jason Northam
2019-05-16 07:55:38

Chris Graf
2019-05-16 08:17:39

Darrin Patey
2019-05-16 21:51:06

Eduardo Herrero Ayuso
2019-05-17 00:48:27

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-17 00:50:04

Eduardo Herrero Ayuso
2019-05-17 00:50:28

Eduardo Herrero Ayuso
2019-05-17 00:50:46

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-17 00:52:50

Eduardo Herrero Ayuso
2019-05-17 00:56:16

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-17 01:28:55

Eduardo Herrero Ayuso
2019-05-17 01:30:59

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-17 01:59:07

原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-15 17:21:12

Thank you Anycubic now the real troubles begin ?


原文網址 Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-08 15:44:02

Why is it that we don't have any news about the Photon S from AC !! What is the status about the shipment in EU ? I see that people in the group has recived the S model in the last days, but what is the situation in EU ?? no doubt that the 2 times i have been in contact with AC support regarding a faulty printer within warranty they have been fast and proff. but this scilense remind me of the "Chiron gate" Why not post in public if there is issue that have to be solved, insted of all the "no information" as " we still wait, maybe in a few days, or maby next month..... . ontil then i still wait for the S model.


Hagen Pischel
2019-05-08 15:54:36

Lane Shutt
2019-05-08 15:55:08

Luke Mason
2019-05-08 15:57:08

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-08 15:59:19

Florian Biscuy
2019-05-08 16:06:27

Ced Ric
2019-05-08 16:09:40

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-08 16:15:03

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-08 16:15:49

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-08 16:17:02

Ced Ric
2019-05-08 16:25:09

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-08 16:27:54

Ced Ric
2019-05-08 16:55:27

Ines Silva
2019-05-08 17:08:01

Dean Simpson
2019-05-08 17:18:23

Dean Simpson
2019-05-08 17:19:30

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-08 17:20:05

Dean Simpson
2019-05-08 17:21:28

Ced Ric
2019-05-08 17:22:37

Dean Simpson
2019-05-08 17:23:21

Jesper Lindhardt
2019-05-08 17:29:04

David Johnson
2019-05-08 22:04:28



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