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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2019-09-24 20:40:03

Can someone help me, twice now on two different files my machine has failed because mid way through the entire screen lights up and causes a big mess of solid risen. Why is this happening and how can I stop it?


Richard Flanagan
2019-09-24 20:41:37

Tyler Wall
2019-09-24 20:42:52

Nicolas Belin
2019-09-24 20:43:20

Thomas André Roholm
2019-09-24 20:49:07

Libor Drahoš
2019-09-24 20:55:00

Mike McCreery
2019-09-24 20:55:42

Libor Drahoš
2019-09-24 20:57:28

Jure Slokar
2019-09-24 21:01:19

Jure Slokar
2019-09-24 21:01:29

Paul West
2019-09-24 21:46:37

Herman Simpson
2019-09-24 22:34:11

Tyler Kutz
2019-09-24 22:53:40

Tyler Wall
2019-09-24 23:50:58

Paul West
2019-09-24 23:55:47

Jeremy Swigart
2019-09-25 10:51:12

Francesco Peeters
2019-09-28 03:56:40

Richard Flanagan
2019-09-29 02:37:34

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2019-05-25 23:46:39

Hey guys quick question, if I don’t use the resin to fast, will it go bad?


Andrius AmeraLabs
2019-05-25 23:49:50

Tyler Kutz
2019-05-25 23:51:06

Andrius AmeraLabs
2019-05-25 23:52:16

Tyler Kutz
2019-05-25 23:53:21

Andrius AmeraLabs
2019-05-25 23:58:48

Tyler Kutz
2019-05-25 23:59:31

Janne Mäkynen
2019-05-28 13:05:54

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2019-04-16 02:37:24

I love scrolling through this pages posts and looking at all the things people print and try to figure out what it is the individuals use this printer for. Some people are obviously table top gamers, I’ve seen some car modelers, there’s a few jewelry, some dentistry molds, Ive seen some prototyping, and some people I feel like just enjoy the process of making cool models for the fun of it. I myself mostly use it for D&d miniatures but I love just how many uses this printer has and just how amazing and helpful this community is. So guys I’ll leave you with this question, what do you use the photon for the most?


Jean-François Meloche
2019-04-16 02:45:41

Amanda Kennedy
2019-04-16 02:45:53

Isaac Doubek
2019-04-16 02:51:40

Isaac Doubek
2019-04-16 02:52:01

Robin Haaf
2019-04-16 03:01:10

Don Roberts
2019-04-16 03:20:17

Bob Deblier
2019-04-16 03:44:44

Kevin Reynolds
2019-04-16 03:50:54

Sandra Rossbacher
2019-04-16 03:54:58

Sandra Rossbacher
2019-04-16 03:56:15

Jean-François Meloche
2019-04-16 03:59:30

Mark Markleson
2019-04-16 05:08:02

Wm Kuch
2019-04-16 05:13:07

Darrin Patey
2019-04-16 05:36:16

Tyler Kutz
2019-04-16 05:42:42

Jason Bitter
2019-04-16 10:46:27

Russ Charles
2019-04-16 14:22:32

David Johnson
2019-04-16 22:30:40

Nathaniel Zhu
2019-04-17 11:07:00

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2019-03-05 22:15:55

Can anyone help me, I keep getting this error and I can’t print anything, it will print the first few layers fine then just stop and give me this. I’ve tried multiple files and multiple usb sticks and nothing seams to work


Mustafa Sengor
2019-03-05 22:23:16

Stuart Collins
2019-03-05 22:30:18

Sen Kun
2019-03-05 23:03:37

Tyler Kutz
2019-03-05 23:06:45

Christopher Botha
2019-03-06 01:50:11

Jean-François Meloche
2019-03-06 02:08:47

Niklas Landin
2019-03-06 02:18:06

Derek Reihe
2019-03-06 03:07:20

Alexander Jay Hutchings
2019-03-06 06:16:48

Yelena Novikova
2019-03-06 06:47:10

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2019-02-22 04:55:56

So how do these prints do if they are say left in a car on a hot summer day? Prints for my fdm printer melt, or at least droop, but what about these ones? How well does the resin hold up on heat


Christopharius Cruzantium
2019-02-22 05:27:23

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2019-02-20 23:35:33

Got my photon Friday, just used it for the first time yesterday, and I am in love with it


Uri Genin
2019-02-20 23:46:16

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-20 23:51:28

Garret Bertrand
2019-02-21 00:44:25

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-21 00:57:15

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-21 00:57:38

Garret Bertrand
2019-02-21 00:58:42

Uri Genin
2019-02-21 01:27:20

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-21 01:51:56

Zena Andreou
2019-02-21 02:02:32

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-21 02:12:43

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-21 02:13:07

Dani Rose
2019-02-21 03:32:39

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-21 03:41:21

Dani Rose
2019-02-21 03:46:33

Garret Bertrand
2019-02-21 04:27:53

Dani Rose
2019-02-21 04:31:58

Dani Rose
2019-02-21 04:32:56

Garret Bertrand
2019-02-21 04:41:16

Dani Rose
2019-02-21 04:55:15

Tyler Kutz
2019-02-21 05:21:48

Sandro Fazzi
2019-02-21 05:48:25

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2019-01-06 03:34:25

Ok so what’s everyone’s favorite primer to use on their prints?


Ian Adams
2019-01-06 03:46:49

Nick Porterfield
2019-01-06 03:58:11

Derek Smith
2019-01-06 04:04:00

Matthew Hardy
2019-01-06 04:05:52

Matthew Hardy
2019-01-06 04:06:28

Jayden Holland
2019-01-06 04:14:00

Frank Branham
2019-01-06 04:15:21

Joshua Jourdan
2019-01-06 04:59:21

Kyle Bachman
2019-01-06 05:31:17

Corey Kinard
2019-01-06 05:36:36

Darren Donovan
2019-01-06 05:53:43

Patrice Berthelom
2019-01-06 05:53:57

Bill Frye
2019-01-06 06:16:52

Michael Earley
2019-01-06 06:27:16

Skeet Karsgaard
2019-01-06 06:41:27

Adam Horton
2019-01-06 06:47:22

Sean Poeschl
2019-01-06 07:19:43

Joey Pruitt
2019-01-06 07:40:22

Kyle Van Patten
2019-01-06 08:33:31

Erdian Madskin
2019-01-06 11:05:44

James Paull
2019-01-06 11:46:09

Kyle Van Patten
2019-01-06 13:28:13

Trea Cotton
2019-01-06 15:06:22

Trea Cotton
2019-01-06 15:07:18

Joey Pruitt
2019-01-06 20:19:08

Kyle Van Patten
2019-01-06 23:08:54

Dylan Kirby
2019-01-07 02:36:51

Joey Smith
2019-01-07 03:14:44

Joey Smith
2019-01-07 03:15:56

Trea Cotton
2019-01-07 04:40:55

原文網址 Tyler Kutz
2018-09-16 06:09:38

I’m looking into buying one of these machines, I just have one question, about how long does one bottle of resin last? I currently have an ancubic i3 mega fdm printer and get a lot printed for the price of the material and was wondering how this compares in terms of price per print?




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