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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James March
2020-03-30 20:36:41

Ok guys so I'm guessing this has been asked but I cant find the answer. Soooo.....

Why is my print doing this. I've leveled the bed, changed the fep, shook my resin, printing in my warm house. Using anycube grey, at layer 0.05 It was printing fine before and it's weird...

Only thought, the model isnt hollow and next thing I'm trying is hollowing it.

Any thought please


Dave Dickey
2020-03-30 20:46:36

That happens with big thick objects. Hollowing will help that.

Dyllon Baldock
2020-03-30 20:46:46

Solid block, internal expansion from curing
Snap crackle pop,
There’s ya problem

I’d suggest hollowing it

James March
2020-03-30 20:47:51

Dave Dickey that make me feel better I was worried it was the machine. Turn out its driver error lol thanks

James March
2020-03-30 20:48:06

Dyllon Baldock thanks man. I'll give it a blast.

Dyllon Baldock
2020-03-30 20:49:05

James the other option is depending how good you are at splicing etc is cut it down the middle curing then glue and stuff back together

Dave Dickey
2020-03-30 20:49:16

no problem, I had the same problem with a few chunky models. now I hollow almost everything. Saves a ton of resin also.

Dave Dickey
2020-03-30 20:50:12

make sure you put drain holes

James March
2020-03-30 20:51:26

Dyllon Baldock , I'll be able to fix the model so it's not wasted, but just dont want them to keep splitting lol. Cheers

James March
2020-03-30 20:52:05

Dave Dickey I've hollowed big stuff, handy thought this would be too big. But thanks

Dyllon Baldock
2020-03-30 20:54:45

James March all good man,

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-30 21:21:53

To me it looks like a USB error. Is it the first time to makes that fault? Try formatting the stick and re-slice your file. Can you share the stl with me?

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-03-30 22:46:57

Could also just need a reslice of the same file

Charles Lease
2020-03-30 23:02:48

cool looking bouncy ball of doom

James March
2020-03-30 23:12:38

Anders Jens Ramm ok cheers. Its been doing it on a few things so making me thing it could be the stick amongst other problems. I'll give it a try. The file was purchased from a guy on my mini factory

James March
2020-03-30 23:12:44

They've been lovley modles

James March
2020-03-30 23:13:02

James March
2020-03-30 23:13:11

They're lovely. Modles

Adam Wells
2020-03-30 23:13:56

Whwrre your air holes?

James March
2020-03-30 23:48:36

Adam Wells it's not hollow,think I may have found the problem thanks lol

Rico Reyna
2020-03-31 15:08:07

Dude is the Venok-7 Lizzy from My Favorite Martian?!

James March
2020-03-31 16:01:09

Rico Reyna it does look like it, but it's a squig from warhammer

Rico Reyna
2020-03-31 16:32:35

Adam Wells
2020-03-31 22:59:21

No problem.

原文網址 James March
2020-01-26 00:59:44

Ok guys, I'm fairly new to this but loving being able to print my own minis. So here we go.

Can you please share any Patreons or good sources for miniatures.

Sci fi or fantasy, warhammer or d nd

I'm keen to get some more. Thanks in advance


John Colt Hendricks
2020-01-26 01:06:03

Olly Roberts
2020-01-26 01:15:50

Jason Pedersen
2020-01-26 01:15:53

Jason Pedersen
2020-01-26 01:16:11

Olly Roberts
2020-01-26 01:16:20

Chris Holden
2020-01-26 01:44:09

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2020-01-26 02:07:58

James March
2020-01-26 03:07:42

Patrick Keith
2020-01-26 03:24:55

原文網址 James March
2020-01-12 16:51:40

Any thoughts on these settings for printing miniatures with elgoo grey in my epax.

What should I change first to sharpen up detail


Angus Phillips
2020-01-12 17:00:16

Bob Deblier
2020-01-12 17:07:42

Jack Shuff
2020-01-12 17:28:30

James March
2020-01-12 18:09:28

James March
2020-01-12 18:10:04

Bob Deblier
2020-01-12 20:18:45

Bob Deblier
2020-01-12 20:20:01

James March
2020-01-12 23:52:32

原文網址 James March
2020-01-12 05:51:35

I've taken delivery of my epax x1 and here is the first mini I've printed off. Its from the titan forge Patreon,

Any criticism is welcome as I'm still very new, it looks slightly "flabby" in the detail which to me says maybe abit over exposed but I don't know. Using eegloo grey. Next time I'll note my settings to give more info.

Editing with chithubox.


原文網址 James March
2020-01-10 05:07:59

Hey guys and gals. Well my epax x1 is set to arrive on Saturday, I've had a pla printer for a year now and I'm so excited and a little nervous all at the same time. I'm looking at printing miniatures mainly but can't wait to see what it can do.

I've ordered resin. I'm set for gloves, got some iso coming for clean up.

What else should I be thinking about with this imminent arrival.

Cheers guys


Sander van Deijl
2020-01-10 05:09:58

James March
2020-01-10 05:10:53

Nick Walker
2020-01-10 05:11:07

John Chrapkowski
2020-01-10 05:11:29

Nick Walker
2020-01-10 05:11:55

Dylan Yaga
2020-01-10 05:12:00

Sander van Deijl
2020-01-10 05:13:58

John Chrapkowski
2020-01-10 05:14:01

Nick Walker
2020-01-10 05:15:11

James March
2020-01-10 05:22:37

James March
2020-01-10 05:23:45

Nick Walker
2020-01-10 06:13:47

Dylan Yaga
2020-01-10 06:24:50

James March
2020-01-10 07:03:39

Troy Wood
2020-01-10 07:11:13

Troy Wood
2020-01-10 07:21:00

Kris Leon
2020-01-10 07:21:31

Troy Wood
2020-01-10 07:21:59

Kris Leon
2020-01-10 07:22:23

Kris Leon
2020-01-10 07:23:19

Troy Wood
2020-01-10 07:34:53

Nick Walker
2020-01-10 07:36:37

James March
2020-01-10 15:09:06

James March
2020-01-10 15:09:40

James March
2020-01-10 15:10:36

James March
2020-01-10 15:11:56

James March
2020-01-10 17:30:48

原文網址 James March
2019-12-26 00:01:41

Hey guys and happy Christmas, I'm having a really hard time deciding between the epax x1 and photon. My main factor atm seems to be finding an epax in the UK. Any thoughts or help with this would be great.


Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-12-26 00:15:22

Andy Stone
2019-12-26 00:25:00

James March
2019-12-26 01:14:08

James March
2019-12-26 01:14:56

Artur Kawa
2019-12-26 02:29:34

James March
2019-12-26 03:14:38

Artur Kawa
2019-12-26 03:18:08

James March
2019-12-26 03:31:14

原文網址 James March
2019-12-21 23:06:21

Hey guys, I've been printing with my pla ender 3 and loving it and really want to get a resin printer. I'm a big gamer warhammer, Dnd, all sorts of stuff. Hoping to print everything from models to customisable parts for my armies, characters and beasts.

So my question is what do I need to know, any usfull videos or blogs that will help me on my journey. Then what makes and models are going to be best for me.

Any and all info greatfuly excepted.


Zena Andreou
2019-12-21 23:09:17

Tim Moulton
2019-12-21 23:14:18

Cannon Rigger
2019-12-21 23:38:13

James March
2019-12-22 00:55:58

James March
2019-12-22 00:56:48

James March
2019-12-22 00:58:33

Cannon Rigger
2019-12-22 01:00:57

James March
2019-12-22 01:02:44

Cannon Rigger
2019-12-22 01:44:09

James March
2019-12-22 02:30:04

Jarin Udom
2019-12-22 05:52:31

James March
2019-12-22 05:59:18

Cannon Rigger
2019-12-22 06:07:33

Jarin Udom
2019-12-22 06:08:49

Cannon Rigger
2019-12-22 06:08:54

Cannon Rigger
2019-12-22 06:09:35

Jarin Udom
2019-12-22 06:11:12

Jarin Udom
2019-12-22 06:11:56

Cannon Rigger
2019-12-22 06:14:51

Jarin Udom
2019-12-22 06:25:29

James March
2019-12-22 15:42:28



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