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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-10-17 15:39:44

Dear Makers,

"I don't read long posts-'TL;DR'-Edition":

I got myself Simon Jackson 's Dual Z Upgrade pack ( https://jacksonproducts.net/ ) and I am genuinly impressed with the improvement!

My first 2 Prints where badly sliced, I want to show them anyway to demonstrate the new Printing quality. So don't judge the DUal Z on the Screwed up Models, but on the layers they have.

Prints where Made with Monocure Grey on 0,05mm, which usually was my "Rough" resolution. When I wanted a nice even finish I printed on 0,2mm, where lines where still visible but neglegtible.
To demonstrate *That* I will post a comparison of a 0.05 mm print pre- and Post Upgrade later. Stay tuned.

"Heck, NOW I wanna know the full story-Edition":
I don't wanna lie. The upgrade ain't cheap and put a little hole in my hobby pocket. Hence, I ordered it drunk, for then I have the lowest treshold for spending money on things I like or are interested in. My wife shall never discover that little trick of mine...

I recieved it fairly quick, *perfectly* packed! Not even the worst and/or most stupid mailman could have screwed that parcel up. Kudos, Simon.

I installed it last weekend, using Simon's provided video. I am by far not gifted when it comes to craftworks and the like. Hence I may have put a little nigget in my pants when I started disassembling my printer which I definitively could NOT afford to rebuf, would I mess it up somehow. Buuut: I made it. Hence, i am very confident to say, *Everybody* can! Just saying.

Back to topic:
Yesterday I found the time to slice a little Buddha and a Coin. I sliced the Buddha like an idiot, meaning: I hollowed it out in Meshmixer (which's Hollowing-function I prefer to ChiTu Box's) with 1-1.5 mm wall thickness only to find out later that the STL was bloody huge. I wanted a small, little, tiney Buddhy to life his peacefull live on me Computer's monitor. So I shrinked the buddha in ChiTu Slicer, which inevitable also shrinked my 1 mm Wall thickness to something around 0.1-0.2 mm. I don't know how I could not make that connection at the time. Spoiler Alert, the Budda didnt work too well.

However, on the pictures you maybe see that the Buddha literally is thinner than a sheet of paper. Yet (mostly) printed. My vanilla Photon wouldn't have been able to do that.

Furthermore, you will see on the pictures that there are NO visible Printing lines. Not to the human Eye, even very hard if magnified with the cell phone camera.

I also hat a slight error in the coin, I can not explain yet. I will print both again this weekend with a better prepared file...
I am very Impressen and I wholeheartedly recommend this Upgrade to every user of the Original Photon (V1).

Pics for comparing old 0.5 resolution to new 0.5 resolution will follow soon (aint got my old print with me right now).

Kind regards

Michael 翻譯年糕

David Collinson
2019-10-17 15:52:48

Michael Harley
2019-10-17 17:20:14

David Collinson
2019-10-17 17:21:56

Michael Harley
2019-10-17 17:24:47

Jason Smith
2019-10-17 20:32:50

Mark Wardle
2019-10-17 20:39:22

Smith Hayward
2019-10-18 02:59:24

Ed Del Rey
2019-10-18 03:31:19

Michael Harley
2019-10-18 03:32:25

Michael Harley
2019-10-18 03:32:47

Michael Harley
2019-10-18 03:39:03

Michael Harley
2019-10-18 03:40:49

Michael Harley
2019-10-18 03:41:12

Smith Hayward
2019-10-18 05:12:28

David De Kabouter Wigman
2019-10-18 09:55:55

David De Kabouter Wigman
2019-10-18 09:58:17

Mike Roof
2019-10-18 10:31:48

Michael Harley
2019-10-18 20:24:05

Michael Harley
2019-10-20 05:52:19

Michael Harley
2019-10-20 05:53:00

Casey Shiray
2019-10-20 23:42:15

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-10-07 04:14:44

How can I use the Prusa to find the best orientation? I read some ppl in here used it for that with great success, but I can't find the option in the program.


Amy Baldwin
2019-10-07 04:29:09

Joe Harter
2019-10-07 04:33:21

Nicholas Smith
2019-10-07 16:46:05

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-10-06 21:11:06

Can somebody please post directions on how I can set up the Prusa slicer for my photon?


Antonis Karydis
2019-10-06 21:12:10

Richard Allsebrook
2019-10-06 21:16:22

Rolando Duarte
2019-10-06 21:17:20

Arne Gruppe
2019-10-06 21:21:14

Chamberlain Skeksil
2019-10-06 21:22:07

Mika Vienonen
2019-10-07 01:42:22

Michael Harley
2019-10-07 03:22:00

Arne Gruppe
2019-10-07 03:23:11

Michael Harley
2019-10-07 03:23:58

Arne Gruppe
2019-10-07 03:30:46

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:12:26

Guys, I have a bottle *Phrozen ABS like Grey* which is on a journey to become my favorite resin. *However* , after a few days w/o usage the pigment settle in the basin. Like, really settling.
My question: what am I supposed to do if I wanna print something? The pigment is on the bottom, clear resin floating on top.
"Shaking" is not possible for obvious reasons, tilting it for minutes back an fourth does nothing.

How am I supposed to use that now? :(


Tauri Icenogle
2019-10-05 06:14:27

Mata Mac Gille Fhionntain
2019-10-05 06:14:33

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:15:55

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:16:34

Mata Mac Gille Fhionntain
2019-10-05 06:17:45

Tauri Icenogle
2019-10-05 06:19:08

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:19:42

Scott Pavlich
2019-10-05 06:20:48

Greg Chapman
2019-10-05 06:38:35

Mike Tree
2019-10-05 06:45:48

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:53:08

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:54:46

Greg Chapman
2019-10-05 06:55:18

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:56:24

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 06:57:50

Greg Chapman
2019-10-05 07:01:05

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 07:02:05

Szymon Buhajczuk
2019-10-05 07:32:36

Fred Bey
2019-10-05 08:12:40

Thanos Panagiotaros
2019-10-05 09:31:16

Szymon Buhajczuk
2019-10-05 09:39:38

Lee Baxter
2019-10-05 09:42:45

Matt Olsen
2019-10-05 10:08:06

Matt Olsen
2019-10-05 10:08:52

Smith Hayward
2019-10-05 10:16:24

Lee Baxter
2019-10-05 10:18:29

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-05 11:13:29

Pierre Gallois
2019-10-05 12:56:22

Dan Andersson
2019-10-05 13:01:18

Smith Hayward
2019-10-05 13:37:42

Lee Baxter
2019-10-05 13:39:36

Smith Hayward
2019-10-05 13:40:53

Lee Baxter
2019-10-05 13:46:46

Smith Hayward
2019-10-05 14:09:17

Leon Photon
2019-10-05 15:33:21

Michael Harley
2019-10-05 16:00:08

Richard Pigott
2019-10-05 16:26:00

Michael Harley
2019-10-06 07:40:07

Brian Kailimai
2019-10-09 09:07:33

Smith Hayward
2019-10-09 10:07:54

Smith Hayward
2019-10-09 10:09:25

Brian Kailimai
2019-10-09 14:49:36

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-10-09 22:28:30

Richard Pigott
2019-10-10 04:18:56

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-09-22 04:32:46

Can somebody explain to my why I can add support on the inside of an hollowed out model but can not add spports on the inside of its exact clone and the huuuge other pieces ob the plate?? I clearly see islands but can't support them. I am so frustrated right now!
ChiTu Box 1.5


Tauri Icenogle
2019-09-22 04:41:18

Martin Sandford
2019-09-22 05:11:42

Michael Harley
2019-09-22 05:55:29

Michael Harley
2019-09-22 05:56:26

Martin Sandford
2019-09-22 06:29:19

Martin Sandford
2019-09-22 06:31:36

Michael Harley
2019-09-22 06:32:32

Martin Sandford
2019-09-22 06:35:49

Martin Sandford
2019-09-22 06:38:35

Michael Harley
2019-09-22 06:40:30

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-09-15 16:53:40

Fair warning to ChiTu Box (1.5) users:

Yesterday I was slicing 40 helmets, layer 0.025. I should have get cautious when the slicing process took 3/4 Std. I should have become even more so, when it started the print takes 30hrs. Stupid me, not having printed this year and trying 0.025 for the first time was just baffled.

2 or 3 hrs in the print, I went checking... And aborted. All it was printing was a solid block of bottom layers.

I resliced and the resulting file was the same. Photon printer sliced it worth no problems, though.

Keep an eye on slicing time and estimated printing time.


Marcus Czaplejewicz
2019-09-15 16:59:27

Richard Flanagan
2019-09-15 18:20:14

Pat Sinclair
2019-09-15 18:24:57

Michael Harley
2019-09-15 23:34:36

Artur Kawa
2019-09-16 01:05:34

Greg Chapman
2019-09-16 05:23:27

Aarón Navarro
2019-09-16 05:48:38

John Bear Ross
2019-09-16 12:53:06

Michael Harley
2019-09-16 16:56:05

Michael Harley
2019-09-16 16:56:33

Aarón Navarro
2019-09-16 23:46:16

Lance Draper
2019-09-17 09:42:18

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-09-15 16:46:39

Makers, what could cause this pattern of lost supports? All the helmets have the exact same support (I copied the first one 38x) yet only some where lost.

Harz Labs Cherry, 0.025 layerhight, exp. 14 sec., 10 bottom layers art 120 sec


Sjacco Antonius
2019-09-15 16:50:41

Michael Harley
2019-09-15 16:54:37

Sjacco Antonius
2019-09-15 17:03:27

Michael Harley
2019-09-15 17:03:44

Tiernan Messmer
2019-09-15 17:04:03

Pat Sinclair
2019-09-15 18:00:06

Mike McCreery
2019-09-15 19:09:45

Simon Wilson
2019-09-15 20:22:14

Dustin Scott
2019-09-15 20:49:39

Dave Smith
2019-09-15 20:57:41

Philippe Radoux
2019-09-16 01:24:12

Michael Harley
2019-09-16 02:47:43

Mothy Reynolds
2019-09-16 05:20:53

Aarón Navarro
2019-09-16 06:09:37

Jarrod Smith
2019-09-16 11:15:13

John Bear Ross
2019-09-16 12:10:31

Michael Harley
2019-09-16 16:53:47

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-03-19 23:05:26

Don't you you just love love it when your printer just got f*cking useless because I can't change your fep due to a screw you can't unscrew anymore? I'm so f*going sick and tired of this s*it. I haven't gotten a single working print out of this thing for months and now this...


Trevor McIntosh
2019-03-19 23:17:56

Richard Thomas
2019-03-19 23:18:08

André Klein
2019-03-19 23:22:41

Philippe Maegerman
2019-03-19 23:26:27

Beat Grendelmeier
2019-03-19 23:26:57

Jean Harfouche
2019-03-19 23:31:17

David Nicholls
2019-03-19 23:32:01

Daniel Roh
2019-03-19 23:35:08

Nick Wells
2019-03-19 23:38:55

James Hendrix
2019-03-19 23:40:12

David Nicholls
2019-03-19 23:42:05

Alex Varley
2019-03-19 23:42:44

Chris Marshall
2019-03-19 23:44:08

Matthieu Mouron
2019-03-19 23:52:17

Alexander Wright
2019-03-19 23:56:10

Paul Mabbott
2019-03-20 00:10:07

GaryAnji Smith-Lambeth
2019-03-20 00:13:29

Craig Bennett
2019-03-20 00:13:58

Nick Williams
2019-03-20 00:16:42

Kelly Wilkins
2019-03-20 00:17:42

Andy Eakin
2019-03-20 00:17:55

Richard Thomas
2019-03-20 00:30:46

Richard Thomas
2019-03-20 00:31:47

Matthew 'Senjak' Goldman
2019-03-20 00:34:07

Matthew 'Senjak' Goldman
2019-03-20 00:36:04

Tom Kranenburg
2019-03-20 00:36:50

Richard Thomas
2019-03-20 00:37:57

Vinicius Silva
2019-03-20 00:38:11

Paolo Angelo Bonafe
2019-03-20 00:41:04

Mk IphoneNinja
2019-03-20 00:43:50

GaryAnji Smith-Lambeth
2019-03-20 00:47:51

Toby Kirkby
2019-03-20 00:55:27

Nick Williams
2019-03-20 00:58:56

Toby Kirkby
2019-03-20 01:00:25

Dylan Hancox
2019-03-20 01:03:47

Steve Hampshire
2019-03-20 01:14:46

Per Bekker-Madsen
2019-03-20 01:19:08

Alwin Chan
2019-03-20 02:48:28

Mike Bauers
2019-03-20 02:49:24

Jacob Townsend
2019-03-20 03:40:33

Evan Carothers
2019-03-20 03:52:39

James Wolfie Miller
2019-03-20 03:55:46

Alex Zaragoza
2019-03-20 03:56:05

Robb Nunya
2019-03-20 09:06:45

Robert Johnson
2019-03-20 10:37:53

Robert Silvers
2019-03-20 11:05:11

Joey Oosting
2019-03-20 12:53:20

Mason Combs
2019-03-20 23:20:48

Jared Zadorozny
2019-03-24 01:24:39

Richard Thomas
2019-03-24 03:55:44

Dave Williams
2019-03-25 06:18:53

Rob Jansen
2019-03-25 14:17:49

Andy Lokman
2019-03-26 11:41:20

2019-03-26 15:47:20

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-03-12 02:02:01

Shure you guys know of this kind of upgrade, the question is: Is it out there at a reasonable price? And worth it?


DeMarcus Brownie Klamecker
2019-03-12 02:25:24

Keith Hebard
2019-03-12 02:36:27

Paul Carress
2019-03-12 03:43:29

原文網址 Michael Harley
2019-03-04 19:19:12

Hey Makers, I tried Vinicius Silva 's Exposure Tester and came up with the following sheet. (don't mind the holes, thats bubbles).
Could you help me come up with a conclusion? I'm not entirely happy with the results. Even the 9th Column doesn't print the dots all the way up, but none of the columns really blows me away :-(


Che Fielding
2019-03-04 19:26:37

Zena Andreou
2019-03-04 19:32:39

Michael Harley
2019-03-04 21:57:35



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