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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 James Vale
2019-01-31 03:59:24

Hey guys. Finally managed to get my heater installed and working today thanks to this thread: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AnycubicPhoton/permalink/1550627678415202/

I just want to share my Amazon.co.uk shopping list for my UK based brethren.

I used:



This system can go from about 2-3 degrees up to 28 in about 10 minutes and hold it there indefinately! I didnt need to disconnect the printers internal fan, but that may help the thing heat up even quicker.

This solved all the problems I was having trying to print at low UK Winter temperatures!

Thanks again guys! Great group!


James Vale
2019-01-31 04:05:02

Michael Martin
2019-01-31 04:08:44

James Vale
2019-01-31 04:13:50

Savio Ku
2019-01-31 04:14:59

Michael Martin
2019-01-31 04:16:05

James Vale
2019-01-31 04:19:05

James Vale
2019-01-31 04:21:05

Sen Kun
2019-01-31 04:23:52

Savio Ku
2019-01-31 04:29:25

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-31 04:33:36

Sen Kun
2019-01-31 04:33:45

Savio Ku
2019-01-31 04:38:35

Sen Kun
2019-01-31 04:44:21

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-31 04:46:07

Sen Kun
2019-01-31 04:47:29

Sen Kun
2019-01-31 04:48:05

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-31 04:48:25

James Vale
2019-01-31 04:48:40

Sam Cunningham
2019-01-31 04:49:08

Savio Ku
2019-01-31 04:57:05

Sen Kun
2019-01-31 05:05:32

Savio Ku
2019-01-31 05:16:38

Matt Armstrong
2019-01-31 05:37:10

Darron Rodrigues
2019-01-31 06:25:47

Vinicius Silva
2019-01-31 06:45:50

Alessandro Tuffanelli
2019-01-31 07:09:49

Francesco Azzaro
2019-01-31 08:25:28

Martin Da Costa
2019-01-31 16:39:17

原文網址 James Vale
2019-01-06 04:04:21

Hey guys.. Had anyone had any experience with this : https://ameralabs.com/shop/ipr-12-dlp/

I'm thinking about printing some custom bike computer mounts and pretty sure regular resin won't hold up and the form2 stuff is twice the price.


Sen Kun
2019-01-06 04:22:16

Aleksandr Naumov
2019-01-06 04:46:45

Aleksandr Naumov
2019-01-06 04:50:52

原文網址 James Vale
2018-12-05 17:40:35

Hey guys, Having no end of bother getting a good finish with the Anycubic Yellow resin and was wondering how you guys solve this problem??

If I print this little stand using white or grey resin its perfect, but Yellow has 2 problems.

Firstly if comes out covered in uncured resin. This pools up in the groves and as almost invisible until cured, then I have to attack it with a knife and ruin the finish.

Secondly I wash the things in 99% IPA (to try to get rid of the pooling resin) They look fine, but as soon as I wash the IPA off they go all horrible a cloudy :(

My settings are
0.005 Layer Height
10 seconds Exposure TIme
4 Second Off Time
80 Second Bottom Layer Exposure
10 Bottom Layers

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Richard Cooper
2018-12-05 19:57:20

Dave Corbett
2018-12-05 20:21:43

James Vale
2018-12-05 21:30:57

Richard Cooper
2018-12-05 21:37:58

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-12-05 21:42:28

Richard Cooper
2018-12-05 21:46:24

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-12-05 21:49:08

Richard Cooper
2018-12-05 21:51:18

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-12-05 21:54:01

Richard Cooper
2018-12-05 21:55:18

James Vale
2018-12-05 21:57:29

Richard Cooper
2018-12-05 22:01:44

原文網址 James Vale
2018-11-20 00:56:01

Hey guys.. Having so issues.. Trying to print some 30mm bases.. I orient then flat to the plate, but they just come out all squashed, using supports or not. . Flip them onto their side, add some supports and they print just fine (stock settings). Anyone had this before?


Cameron Ramoly
2018-11-20 02:09:07

James Vale
2018-11-20 03:34:35

Savio Ku
2018-11-20 05:01:09

James Vale
2018-11-20 05:12:54

Savio Ku
2018-11-20 05:30:29

Cameron Ramoly
2018-11-20 05:31:16

Mat Greeley
2018-11-20 05:31:42

James Vale
2018-11-20 05:38:26

James Vale
2018-11-20 05:39:11

Mat Greeley
2018-11-20 05:40:18

James Vale
2018-11-20 05:41:57

Mat Greeley
2018-11-20 05:43:55

James Vale
2018-11-20 05:44:03

Cameron Ramoly
2018-11-20 05:48:38

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2018-11-20 05:49:51

James Vale
2018-11-20 05:55:27

Cameron Ramoly
2018-11-20 05:56:35

James Vale
2018-11-20 06:13:54

Gareth Jones
2018-11-20 06:41:12

Cameron Ramoly
2018-11-21 08:12:08

James Vale
2018-11-21 16:55:39



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