How often do you run the resin in your vat through a strainer? After every print? Every Failed Print? Every 3rd print? Never?
你多久用你的vat里的樹脂穿過一個束縛器? 每次列印之後? 每個失敗的列印? 每3個列印? 從來沒有?
John Chrapkowski
2020-03-30 08:55:41
If I have any suspicion that’s there’s chunks
Josh Tollison
2020-03-30 08:55:48
Every failed print or if I think something might have broken off in there. Otherwise, there is no need.
John Valdes
2020-03-30 08:57:44
I only do it when I put it back in the bottle or maybe a fail
Kempster Kevin
2020-03-30 09:04:53
Tyler Castile
2020-03-30 09:15:46
Only on failures and then only when I'm not positive I've removed everything
Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-30 11:06:53
Only if after inspection of the print I notice an issue. And when I swap colors
Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-30 11:07:39
Sometimes Ill gently run the spatula along the bottom to see if I can feel anything stuck to the fep. If not, I don't strain
Daniel Green
2020-03-30 13:41:04
i drain the vat after every print or else the complaints department goes into overdrive about the smell
Jacob Palmer
2020-03-30 15:19:43
Maybe after 10-15 prints. Or if it's a spectacular failure
Mi Ha
2020-03-30 15:23:11
There's really no reason to. If you suspect there are chunks of cured resin you can use the detection tool on 40-60s, then scoop the thin sheet of cured resin out and voila, you have no chunks left. I only do it if I'm changing the resin.