Hello friends! I proudly present to you a gallery of all the Letter D creatures from "Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes" that I 3D modeled and printed. As usual, all the files are free and under each image.
The majority of these were printed with the Photon, so it just shows how amazing this little machine really is! These creatures were a real modeling and printing challenge, and I'm pretty proud of my paint jobs too
Reddit post here:
Time to move on to the Elder Elementals! I hope you like my works everyone!
Lim Kim Yong
2019-08-01 21:34:10
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 21:42:27
Shawn Daugherty
2019-08-01 21:45:31
Sergio Rosas
2019-08-01 21:48:06
Chad Elstad
2019-08-01 21:49:46
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 21:51:51
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 21:51:58
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 21:52:01
Lim Kim Yong
2019-08-01 21:52:57
Justin Nelson
2019-08-01 21:55:16
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 21:56:40
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 21:57:00
Lim Kim Yong
2019-08-01 21:57:07
Vinay Shah
2019-08-01 22:42:34
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 22:42:59
Carlo Aemos Residori
2019-08-01 23:29:02
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-01 23:29:30
Julio César López Moreno
2019-08-01 23:54:40
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-02 00:00:01
Michael Fairley
2019-08-02 00:18:09
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-02 00:18:48
Joshua Alexander Gilpin
2019-08-02 00:56:13
Michael Fairley
2019-08-02 02:08:28
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-02 02:13:46
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-02 02:14:47
Dave Wilson
2019-08-02 03:13:17
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-02 03:15:44
Aaron Marino-Drake
2019-08-02 06:21:18
Miguel Zavala
2019-08-02 06:46:35
Hugh Jeriolas
2019-08-02 07:57:15