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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:44:10

So my build plate seems to be losing the anodized coating for some reason. I clean it with 91% Isopropyl, distilled water and microfiber cloths. The blue color is faded quite a bit and strangely enough right down the middle of the plate itself. It feels much more coarse now and prints stick to it like...really well. I run it under hot water to loosen them up and they come off easily, so no real issue there.

However it now seems like prints don't want to stick to it for some reason.

My latest print only adhered on one half of the plate itself and the rest of it is on the FEP.

I've changed the FEP according to best practices, leveled my plate and ran a test print on the side that didn't work the last two times. Same thing.

Either I'm not properly leveled or something is wrong with my plate.



Derek Reihe
2019-05-22 09:44:58

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:47:55

Derek Reihe
2019-05-22 09:49:06

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:56:14

Richard Shapiro
2019-05-22 10:10:58

Derek Reihe
2019-05-22 10:19:45

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 10:24:54

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 10:25:27

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 10:25:35

Jannick Langfahl
2019-05-22 15:11:59

Richard Thomas
2019-05-22 19:50:24

Robb Nunya
2019-05-23 03:30:55

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-05-18 10:38:11

Show me your safety gear!


Michael Martin
2019-05-18 10:41:06

Duke Silver
2019-05-18 10:44:02

Jeff Miller
2019-05-18 10:45:42

Koie Smith
2019-05-18 10:45:48

Alexius Lim
2019-05-18 10:48:11

Santi Vilas
2019-05-18 10:48:17

Duke Silver
2019-05-18 10:49:23

Dennis Back
2019-05-18 10:50:52

Andirlik Rawdow
2019-05-18 10:53:53

Nick Santana
2019-05-18 10:55:38

CK Barzin
2019-05-18 10:56:13

Darren Donovan
2019-05-18 10:56:16

Duke Silver
2019-05-18 11:00:53

Amerigo Galeotti
2019-05-18 11:01:42

Duke Silver
2019-05-18 11:02:02

Duke Silver
2019-05-18 11:02:30

Andrew Conway
2019-05-18 11:05:23

Jesse Stenner
2019-05-18 11:06:01

Terry Burlison
2019-05-18 11:15:30

Lucas Azd
2019-05-18 11:15:49

Peter Ede
2019-05-18 11:17:31

Tim Moulton
2019-05-18 11:26:01

Scott Rider
2019-05-18 11:31:10

Koie Smith
2019-05-18 11:35:26

Michael Martin
2019-05-18 11:37:23

Marnie Jefferson
2019-05-18 11:37:44

John Rodriguez
2019-05-18 11:37:54

Lucas Azd
2019-05-18 11:42:05

Lorenzo JB Saponetta
2019-05-18 11:48:10

Robert Silvers
2019-05-18 11:56:59

Adam Horton
2019-05-18 12:00:56

Charles Grigg
2019-05-18 12:06:16

Santi Vilas
2019-05-18 12:12:16

David Basney
2019-05-18 12:14:52

Danny Lloyd
2019-05-18 12:32:10

James Ogre Tate
2019-05-18 12:43:26

Erin R Flint
2019-05-18 12:54:51

Luke Mason
2019-05-18 13:13:04

Joe Carter
2019-05-18 13:33:05

Marnie Jefferson
2019-05-18 13:44:46

Tom Stern
2019-05-18 14:04:05

Lars Eriksson
2019-05-18 14:23:48

David Nicholls
2019-05-18 14:30:53

Matt Wessel
2019-05-18 14:45:57

Alan Yarmouth
2019-05-18 16:28:15

Daniel Kollar
2019-05-18 16:40:54

Marek Sloboda
2019-05-18 16:59:21

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-05-18 17:31:46

Rizuques Dyb
2019-05-18 18:02:27

Mantas Aus
2019-05-18 18:23:57

Piotr Felke
2019-05-18 18:26:46

Francesco Ostili
2019-05-18 19:15:01

Darren Harper
2019-05-18 19:35:33

Artur Kawa
2019-05-18 19:38:34

Kevin Morrison
2019-05-18 20:22:02

Dave Corbett
2019-05-18 20:32:20

Matthew M Canfield
2019-05-18 21:39:41

Matthew M Canfield
2019-05-18 21:40:35

Paul Ross
2019-05-18 22:17:28

Mark Bolding
2019-05-18 22:23:37

Robert Pye
2019-05-18 23:45:34

Darren Donovan
2019-05-19 00:06:01

Daniel Worden
2019-05-19 02:26:09

Joel Tarasiuk
2019-05-19 03:11:32

Ryan Lawecki
2019-05-19 04:40:54

3D Scanning Guy
2019-05-19 04:48:11

Mariano Loisi
2019-05-19 06:15:45

Nickolus Rodriguez
2019-05-19 09:29:56

Joe Carter
2019-05-19 10:14:04

Shane Graber
2019-05-19 10:26:56

Robert Small
2019-05-19 16:46:02

Robert Small
2019-05-19 16:50:10

Marcin Poblocki
2019-05-19 19:02:38

Scott Pulson
2019-05-19 22:20:57

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2019-05-19 22:27:35

Shamim Moohebati
2019-05-20 08:41:52

Stefan Lukus
2019-05-20 12:48:39

Gary Houser
2019-05-20 20:41:41

Paul Womenly
2019-05-20 21:24:30

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:49:25

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:49:44

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:52:08

Stefan Lukus
2019-05-22 09:52:35

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:53:24

Stefan Lukus
2019-05-22 09:55:46

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 09:58:05

Duke Silver
2019-05-22 10:03:13

Stefan Lukus
2019-05-22 11:22:47

Ryan Lawecki
2019-05-22 13:49:35

Thomassen Ølf
2019-05-22 19:22:03

Khursheed Anwer
2019-05-23 05:40:27

Matt Blaylock
2019-05-23 19:21:46

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-05-04 09:47:19

I've been pretty spoiled with Elegoo resin being $19.99/500g on Amazon prime, but now its gone!

Anyone know of resin in this price range?


Tori Beckett
2019-05-04 09:50:55

Duke Silver
2019-05-04 09:52:33

Justin Ragsdale
2019-05-04 09:57:16

Tori Beckett
2019-05-04 10:14:14

George Williams
2019-05-04 10:34:20

Robert Silvers
2019-05-04 10:38:26

Jason Saiter
2019-05-04 10:41:45

Robert Silvers
2019-05-04 10:44:16

Duke Silver
2019-05-04 12:12:43

Robert Silvers
2019-05-04 12:20:22

Duke Silver
2019-05-04 12:46:55

Robert Silvers
2019-05-04 12:48:13

Duke Silver
2019-05-04 12:48:44

Rob Gootz
2019-05-04 12:53:49

Çağrı Aydoğan
2019-05-04 13:50:46

Per Bekker-Madsen
2019-05-04 16:38:32

Çağrı Aydoğan
2019-05-04 16:44:16

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-04-24 05:06:10

Bought some Elegoo black on Amazon and every batch is coming out like this. They look dusty and weird and I can't figure it out.

I'm following bog standard IPA cleaning procedures as well as curing and they always come out this way. I feel like I'm missing something, but I don't think it's my water as I use distilled.

Is this something painfully obvious?


Francis X Benz
2019-04-24 05:12:03

Duke Silver
2019-04-24 05:17:03

Francis X Benz
2019-04-24 05:19:30

Duke Silver
2019-04-24 05:40:12

Jacques Abbeels
2019-04-24 05:41:10

Francis X Benz
2019-04-24 06:09:37

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-04-23 01:59:59

About to pull the trigger on an ultrasonic cleaner for my prints. Any advice from the group before I do?

Someone mentioned in passing that you can do this without using IPA, so if this is true I'd love to hear about any methods or tips folks have.

I'm picking up a 6l ultrasonic from amazon for $110 on prime.


Rainer Matthias
2019-04-23 02:27:34

Michael McElrath
2019-04-23 02:28:40

Dustin Skye
2019-04-23 03:11:00

Luke Mason
2019-04-23 18:05:45

Che Fielding
2019-04-23 18:31:11

Andrew Bills
2019-04-23 18:40:27

Thean Osinski
2019-04-23 18:40:41

Wayne Parker
2019-04-23 18:46:11

Ryan Gamble
2019-04-23 21:05:22

Chris Baker
2019-04-23 23:50:07

Duke Silver
2019-04-24 00:14:20

John Fulmer
2019-04-24 00:26:39

Jared Zadorozny
2019-04-24 04:01:32

Jared Zadorozny
2019-04-24 04:04:19

Devin Wallace Simonsen
2019-04-27 16:02:10

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-04-03 01:52:30

Hey Photonsters, quick question.

At the moment I'm buying Elegoo Yellow (500g) from amazon for $20.99/bottle.

I am suddenly in need of much more than a bottle at a time.

Is this the best price for the quantity? I might need to buy 5-10L or so, so I'm curious where people get this kinda quantity.

Buying in bulk is something I need to look into, but this price is the best I've found thus far. I have no problems with the resin either, it performs flawlessly for me.

I appreciate any and all responses.



Simon Powell
2019-04-03 02:02:23

Susan Sioux Mercer
2019-04-03 02:10:21

Robb Nunya
2019-04-03 02:24:50

Fred Williams
2019-04-03 06:28:46

Robert Silvers
2019-04-03 08:48:39

Siraya Tech
2019-04-03 09:49:19

Keith Hebard
2019-04-03 13:45:20

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-03-26 10:47:05

Hey all, I'm about to try a print with multiple models on the plate. They're all the same and I'm using heavy supports.

Do folks typically print a single object at a time or have people found success in printing many objects at once?

Clearly this is a gamble, but I'm curious what people have done to succeed in printing a ton of items at once.

Thanks for any and all replies!


Nicholas Bowles
2019-03-26 10:53:17

Hector Felix
2019-03-26 10:53:56

Muhammad Zulkhairol Yacob
2019-03-26 10:56:11

Guillermo Reyes
2019-03-26 11:03:20

Sean O'Hayer
2019-03-26 11:04:30

David Marquis
2019-03-26 11:06:38

Duke Silver
2019-03-26 11:10:51

Sean O'Hayer
2019-03-26 11:12:22

Andrew McKay
2019-03-26 12:27:23

Tom Hickey
2019-03-26 12:30:59

Richard Thomas
2019-03-26 16:34:32

Markus Schönfelder
2019-03-26 17:48:07

Beren Erchamion Gl
2019-03-26 18:27:12

Fred Breton
2019-03-26 19:26:37

Duke Silver
2019-03-26 21:39:51

Markus Schönfelder
2019-03-28 20:08:40

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-03-15 23:57:07

Feeling INCREDIBLY foolish right now.

Swapped FEP for replacement that came with Photon. Never seen a sheet of FEP before so I wasn't aware there was a protective film over it.

UGH so annoyed.

I watched maybe a dozen videos on how to change it and nobody mentioned a protective film. I just thought it was part of the film itself.

User error is the worst error when you're the user.


Kevin McGuigan
2019-03-16 00:03:47

Ian Hawkins
2019-03-16 00:10:41

Toby Kirkby
2019-03-16 00:15:33

Savio Ku
2019-03-16 00:58:47

Robert Maefs
2019-03-16 01:31:54

Jannick Langfahl
2019-03-16 01:49:11

Alessandro E. Danti
2019-03-16 03:46:55

Duke Silver
2019-03-16 05:21:45

Chad Elstad
2019-03-16 06:00:14

Duke Silver
2019-03-16 10:09:49

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-03-13 06:34:45

Prints keep failing due to support structures I think. I'm using Chitubox and my most recent print was using the medium supports. It wasn't a huge print either, just a few minis spaced out nicely.

Anyway, I believe my FEP film is shot given that there's a large crease on the center about 2 inches long.

Looks like I need to swap it out.

Anycubic green seems to be giving me a world of grief and I've tried each setting listed in the support document on resin settings. None of them worked for me at all. Kinda frustrated.

Switching to Elegoo yellow which I picked up on Amazon for $20.

Will report back if it works.


Orwin SantaCruz
2019-03-13 07:15:40

Duke Silver
2019-03-13 09:52:30

Duke Silver
2019-03-13 10:03:30

Duke Silver
2019-03-15 08:12:20

Orwin SantaCruz
2019-03-15 08:47:48

Duke Silver
2019-03-15 08:50:45

Orwin SantaCruz
2019-03-15 08:52:48

Orwin SantaCruz
2019-03-15 08:55:11

Duke Silver
2019-03-15 09:37:20

原文網址 Duke Silver
2019-03-11 21:17:30

So my first print failed technically, but at least the supports printed nicely. This is likely a problem with my .STL, yes?


Rod Williams
2019-03-11 21:19:04

Alex Vee
2019-03-11 21:48:41

Duke Silver
2019-03-11 21:52:34

Duke Silver
2019-03-12 00:11:38

Derek Heath
2019-03-12 02:55:21

Duke Silver
2019-03-12 04:27:01

Alex Vee
2019-03-12 06:05:59

Duke Silver
2019-03-12 07:21:27



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