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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-03-30 19:44:30

Orange anycubic resin


Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-30 19:55:10

Show me your settings man ?

Emre Güneş
2020-03-30 19:56:53

Anders Jens Ramm of course bro . 30 minute later

Daniel Antill
2020-03-30 20:02:25

Ya nice setting

Marcel Hansen
2020-03-30 20:28:24

thats some insane details man

Yamamoto Tifa
2020-03-30 21:24:04

Following because damn those are good details!

Chris D'Andrea
2020-03-30 22:08:10

Yeah because for Opaque resin that detail is amazing. My Anycubic opaques are soft. I get insane detail from Blu and Clear Green but grey (all brands I have tried) are soft.

Emre Güneş
2020-03-30 22:21:20

Emre Güneş
2020-03-30 22:21:29

Chris Moody
2020-03-31 01:56:26

Is this Eco Resin? :)

Emre Güneş
2020-03-31 11:12:37

Chris Moody no bro basic

Yessik Ziiq
2020-03-31 15:47:04

I'm super happy to see some higher exposure on here. So many people think that the less exposure you use the better the detail, but it's actually both under and over exposure losses detail and in my opinion under exposure is worst.

Fulton Baylon
2020-03-31 17:13:12

how come it is so nice with just few supps

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-31 17:33:13

Fulton Baylon because it has the correct angle, to create as few islands as possible ?

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-31 17:34:25

Yessik Ziiq is it correct that exposure rates in general will go down with the photon s. Is my RERF Tests are showing 3sec for .025 and 7 sec for .050...?

Yessik Ziiq
2020-03-31 18:30:53

Anders Jens Ramm Are you multiplying the result by 2?

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-31 18:34:07

Yessik Ziiq lol no. I simply refer to my RERF result. So far my prints have been great, so I don’t know if it is the photon s that bring the curing time down or what.

Anders Jens Ramm
2020-03-31 18:34:37

My latest. 0.05 with 7 sec exposure.

Yessik Ziiq
2020-03-31 18:35:45

The numbers on the RERF tests are meant to be multiplied by 2, same with the original photon resin exposure test. It's not testing 1-8 seconds, it's testing 2-16 seconds.

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-03-26 23:07:54

anycubic photon and phrozen mını what is the difference between and in your opinion which one is better


Adam Zed
2020-03-26 23:37:49

My fiancée got me the photon cause We already had an Anycubic and found they’re reliable/well made.

If I were looking for a new resin printer I would probably get the peopoly phenom or the phrozen transform just for the huge build volume.

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-03-25 22:36:36

Has anyone tried to make resin before?


Ruben Smit
2020-03-25 22:37:38

I have and also the royal game of ur (way better then chess)

Hosung Kim
2020-03-25 22:37:40

it that even possible?

Emre Güneş
2020-03-25 22:38:15

Hosung Kim maybe yes

Gregore Conn
2020-03-25 22:39:55

Mucus is a pretty good binding agent.

Rod Williams
2020-03-25 22:42:01

Chemistry !!!!!!

ofc it is *possible*

But is it practical based on the equipment and the danger levels associated with resin production.

Erkan Uygun
2020-03-25 22:43:48

Yaptık direk ?

Dennis Tomson
2020-03-25 22:44:10

I have made attempts but some chemicals are extremely hard to come by in acceptable quantities and are very dangerous.

Also the money you spend on equipment .

Hosung Kim
2020-03-25 22:44:57

For $39 for a bottle of one liter of Resin, it even worth the risk?

Emre Güneş
2020-03-25 22:48:04

Erkan Uygun istersen num7ne yolla bana anycubic türkiye distrübütöruyuz beğenirsek senin urunlerini satariz

Dustin Oliverius
2020-03-25 22:48:21

Rod Williams unless you wanted to start your own resin manufacturing company, no

David Collinson
2020-03-25 22:49:59

Dennis Tomson which one you struggling with? I think the open source resins generally use the same photoinitiator, which seems to be the hardest to source?

Erkan Uygun
2020-03-25 23:05:41

Emre Güneş özelden görüşelim

Ethan Brown
2020-03-25 23:07:11

I looked into it a couple years ago, there are a few forums out there of people doing it... hard to find tho cause there isn’t many. Definitely possible but a lot easier to just buy properly engineered resins

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-26 00:22:42


Chad Elstad
2020-03-26 00:28:23

Like others have said, the relative cost of making small batches, it will be more expensive than just buying it from somebody else. not to mention that the chemicals that are required to make resins a very dangerous and require special equipment to safely handle it.

Dave Antonetti
2020-03-26 04:41:58

Gregore Conn toe jam works well.

Dennis Tomson
2020-03-26 05:11:13

David Collinson i don’t remember excactly ...it was a recipe leaking from autodesk used with their ember printer.

I think it was the thinner.

My application at the time required really runny resin.

Cem Korkmaz
2020-03-26 08:14:01

Erkan Uygun siyah var mı anyvubic için Erkan Uygun

Cem Korkmaz
2020-03-26 08:14:17

bursalıymışsın bende bursalıyım

Richard Burrell
2020-03-26 12:27:32

Much easier and alot cheaper to buy a clear resin with strength/flex desired and add pigments or modifiers ?
Tho if making over 230 litres then might be cheaper to make your own.

Glen William Greeson
2020-03-26 15:07:28

I have had a lot of success trying to not make my own-

El-Aras Buğra de Kabaca-Luchador
2020-03-26 18:40:57


Erkan Uygun
2020-03-26 18:41:35

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-03-21 21:16:18

is there any seller resin for turkey we will buy 100 L


Hakan Ucar
2020-03-21 21:28:51

Yakın zamanda çin yüklememiz olacak getirebiliriz reçine isterseniz.

Emre Güneş
2020-03-21 21:29:49

Hakan Ucar hangi marka

Hakan Ucar
2020-03-21 21:30:31

Emre Güneş talep ettiğiniz marka,model bilgisi verirseniz teklif alalım

Emre Güneş
2020-03-21 21:31:06

Hakan Ucar biz anycubic türkiye distrubutoruyuz normalde stokta recine kalmamis . Esun olur veya tanindik bir marka olur 100 litre uzeri

Baturalp Arslan
2020-03-21 21:35:51

tr üretici hiç almadım son durumu bilmiyorum. https://www.dragonresin.com

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 23:50:18

Who is this :) ?


Joseph Daniels
2020-02-27 23:54:13

Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 23:54:28

Kelly Filgo
2020-02-27 23:54:33

Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 23:54:43

James Baker
2020-02-27 23:54:43

Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 23:54:51

Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 23:55:03

Brandon Scott Elkins
2020-02-28 00:01:27

Stuart Presley
2020-02-28 00:06:20

Emre Güneş
2020-02-28 00:06:51

John VanRyn
2020-02-28 00:23:57

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-28 01:06:41

Cannon Rigger
2020-02-28 01:21:57

Mark Owens
2020-02-28 01:39:04

Joey Burgett
2020-02-28 02:37:12

Peter Rowe
2020-02-28 06:31:13

Gabriel Viragine
2020-02-28 09:14:25

Brendon Stanley
2020-02-28 10:52:54

Brendon Stanley
2020-02-28 10:57:19

Ky Lane
2020-02-28 12:05:10

Sean Smith
2020-02-28 12:58:52

Emre Güneş
2020-02-28 13:25:54

Emre Güneş
2020-02-28 13:26:36

Emre Güneş
2020-02-28 13:26:41

Emre Güneş
2020-02-28 13:26:46

Adam Notamas
2020-02-28 16:30:37

James Baker
2020-02-28 17:41:38

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 14:05:26

do you think these settings are correct for support


Hershel Vazquez
2020-02-27 14:06:58

Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 14:08:06

Adil Muschelewicz
2020-02-27 14:19:03

Hershel Vazquez
2020-02-27 14:20:26

Emre Güneş
2020-02-27 14:21:00

Adil Muschelewicz
2020-02-27 14:21:24

Andrea Marcellan
2020-02-27 14:59:30

Chris Wolfe
2020-02-27 15:07:49

Chris Wolfe
2020-02-27 15:10:16

Francois Lozach
2020-02-27 20:51:33

Hershel Vazquez
2020-02-27 22:28:30

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-02-18 15:35:18

have you used a 3d scanner in the dental sector ?


Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 15:38:34

Emre Güneş
2020-02-18 15:39:54

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:27:08

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:27:35

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:28:39

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:31:44

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:31:48

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:32:39

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:32:44

Catherine Lim Sook Yee
2020-02-18 21:32:56

Emre Güneş
2020-02-18 23:51:55

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:36:02

when I remove the supporting parts, there are holes like this. how do I fix this ?


Phillip Lovelace
2020-02-16 09:36:43

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:36:56

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:37:19

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:37:28

Tom Cross
2020-02-16 09:37:45

Chris Roberts
2020-02-16 09:37:55

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:38:20

Phillip Lovelace
2020-02-16 09:38:54

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:39:44

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:40:22

Phillip Lovelace
2020-02-16 09:40:52

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:41:01

Chris Roberts
2020-02-16 09:41:30

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 09:41:36

Paul West
2020-02-16 09:53:54

Paul West
2020-02-16 09:55:01

Jim Nelson
2020-02-16 09:56:13

Ramez S. Ahmed
2020-02-16 16:16:42

Ahmed Refaie
2020-02-16 16:33:55

Phillip Lovelace
2020-02-16 21:11:10

Sally Blu
2020-02-17 10:38:58

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 02:22:44

Please someone share chitubox support settings please


Casey Frank
2020-02-16 02:25:59

Andrew Coen
2020-02-16 02:26:43

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 02:28:17

Nathaniel Red Weidner
2020-02-16 02:28:24

Paul Holmes
2020-02-16 02:32:25

Arthur White
2020-02-16 02:36:19

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 02:38:11

Emre Güneş
2020-02-16 02:40:37

Merv Hinton
2020-02-16 02:52:43

Arthur White
2020-02-16 02:58:39

Clint Sturm
2020-02-16 03:41:37

Casey Frank
2020-02-16 04:35:29

Casey Frank
2020-02-16 04:35:57

Casey Frank
2020-02-16 04:37:09

Casey Frank
2020-02-16 04:40:06

Casey Frank
2020-02-16 04:42:31

Adam Scaramella
2020-02-16 05:10:07

原文網址 Emre Güneş
2020-02-15 10:43:53


Handrez Pintubola
2020-02-15 10:45:05

Emre Güneş
2020-02-15 10:45:16

Handrez Pintubola
2020-02-15 11:09:15

Adil Muschelewicz
2020-02-15 11:22:21

Franyely Montiel
2020-02-15 11:29:25

Tiana Kovacevic
2020-02-15 11:40:14

Handrez Pintubola
2020-02-15 12:00:15

Steve Djokic
2020-02-15 17:43:06

Dorival Tarossi Jr.
2020-02-15 19:06:19

Emre Güneş
2020-02-15 22:44:50

Emre Güneş
2020-02-15 22:45:15

Emre Güneş
2020-02-15 22:45:36

Emre Güneş
2020-02-15 22:45:50

Franyely Montiel
2020-02-16 00:02:06



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