Has anyone had success with attaching a venting tube to their Photon with an adapter like this?
If so, how effective has venting your Photon out the window been at reducing resin smells?
Rose Stumpwater
2019-08-22 02:27:44
Gary Houser
2019-08-22 02:28:17
Kevin Avery
2019-08-22 02:28:55
Kevin Avery
2019-08-22 02:30:11
Noah Singer
2019-08-22 02:30:37
Richard Zeinner
2019-08-22 02:31:38
Austin Dickinson
2019-08-22 02:35:20
Jarrod Smith
2019-08-22 02:36:46
Rose Stumpwater
2019-08-22 02:36:57
Jarrod Smith
2019-08-22 02:37:07
Stephen Wooten
2019-08-22 02:39:38
Matt Grisham
2019-08-22 02:48:37
Clifford Schwankner
2019-08-22 02:54:53
Jamie White
2019-08-22 03:00:12
Adam Harding
2019-08-22 03:02:59
Philip Schifano
2019-08-22 03:03:24
Mike Fatchett
2019-08-22 03:05:24
Monica Ann Pedone
2019-08-22 03:23:13
Jamie White
2019-08-22 03:24:14
Jamie White
2019-08-22 03:24:34
David Dorsett
2019-08-22 03:28:25
Lee Fletcher
2019-08-22 03:38:59
Melecio Guzman
2019-08-22 05:48:30
Kelly Wilkins
2019-08-22 06:34:13
Don Price
2019-08-22 06:46:59
Kevin Baumann
2019-08-22 07:10:03
Michael Scapellato
2019-08-22 08:19:20
Kent Dustin Navarette
2019-08-22 08:28:49
Darren Wade
2019-08-22 14:46:17
Michael Pescuma
2019-08-24 08:40:37