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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-12-20 00:49:41

So I printed these a couple of months ago, cured them etc, Iv left them on the side and forgot about them, had a look at them today and this has happened, cracked and some type of liquid has come out, ? Strange ?


Richard Humble
2019-12-20 00:51:06

Andrej Stojsin
2019-12-20 00:51:08

Edric Chua
2019-12-20 00:54:01

Stefan Giudici
2019-12-20 00:58:37

Tim Moulton
2019-12-20 01:12:43

Bryan Mikolajewski
2019-12-20 01:23:50

Steven Curnick
2019-12-20 01:24:04

Johnny Johnsen
2019-12-20 01:27:12

Will Koehler
2019-12-20 01:33:07

Will Koehler
2019-12-20 01:33:33

Manuel David Martín Marín
2019-12-20 01:33:45

RIcardo Castillo
2019-12-20 01:39:28

Mark Wardle
2019-12-20 01:48:50

Melecio Guzman
2019-12-20 02:05:45

Daniel Worden
2019-12-20 03:26:09

James Turner
2019-12-20 04:51:42

David Collinson
2019-12-20 09:21:39

David Collinson
2019-12-20 09:22:46

David Collinson
2019-12-20 09:23:13

Matt Hockenheimer
2019-12-20 09:27:36

Matt Hockenheimer
2019-12-20 09:29:02

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-12-20 14:15:28

Ed Horn
2019-12-20 14:57:22

Stefan Giudici
2019-12-20 21:30:36

Stefan Giudici
2019-12-20 21:30:57

Ed Horn
2019-12-21 09:31:29

Chad Elstad
2019-12-21 22:25:55

Chad Elstad
2019-12-21 22:27:26

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-11-09 01:52:41

If your not getting enough detail in the model your printing is it a case of more exposure? Or less ? and also how long should you cure for ? Can this have an effect? Thank you peeps


Sen Kun
2019-11-09 01:55:15

Steven Curnick
2019-11-09 02:00:03

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-09 02:04:45

Steven Curnick
2019-11-09 02:23:20

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-09 02:26:41

Steven Curnick
2019-11-09 02:41:14

Nipuna Gunarathne
2019-11-09 02:44:46

Steven Curnick
2019-11-09 02:49:41

Tiernan Messmer
2019-11-09 10:51:16

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-27 00:43:36

Any ideas what’s happening here, it’s been printing fine till this ! Elegoo Grey photon s


Zena Andreou
2019-10-27 00:47:18

Tauri Icenogle
2019-10-27 00:49:18

Stefan Giudici
2019-10-27 01:06:34

Christos Boukos
2019-10-27 16:20:43

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-25 18:56:01

Where is the best place to get STL files ? Free or paid ? Thank you


Erol Can Ulutaş
2019-10-25 18:58:38

James Margarson
2019-10-25 19:00:02

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-22 22:37:52

First real print after test cube! Still need to sand and paint but I’m happy with it ?


原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-21 22:40:09

How long till you need to start curing when you have finished print? How long can you keep the print on the bed ? Thanks


Joseph Daniels
2019-10-21 22:41:12

Tiernan Messmer
2019-10-21 22:43:50

David Retske
2019-10-21 22:44:46

Olivia Couture
2019-10-21 22:49:29

Steven Curnick
2019-10-21 22:49:31

Mark Anthony Vasquez
2019-10-22 10:49:04

Dane Bennett
2019-10-22 10:55:19

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-17 01:48:45

Any ideas whats happening here, This is my second print, (after test cube )


Matt Hooton
2019-10-17 01:52:51

Steven Curnick
2019-10-17 01:57:07

Herman Simpson
2019-10-17 02:00:19

Janne Sjöström
2019-10-17 02:00:40

Herman Simpson
2019-10-17 02:00:55

Herman Simpson
2019-10-17 02:01:25

Elle Heilig
2019-10-17 02:01:42

Herman Simpson
2019-10-17 02:02:18

Will Koehler
2019-10-17 02:15:06

Steven Curnick
2019-10-17 02:24:53

Steven Curnick
2019-10-17 02:25:27

Dustin Oliverius
2019-10-17 02:34:33

Steven Curnick
2019-10-17 03:09:20

TJ Henry
2019-10-17 03:34:22

George Bulte
2019-10-17 03:41:00

George Bulte
2019-10-17 03:41:42

Matias Perez Colman
2019-10-17 03:56:20

Ken Pooley
2019-10-17 08:57:44

Chris Baker
2019-10-17 15:34:35

Dave Dewees
2019-10-17 20:51:32

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 21:12:56

Iv made a Curing bin! ?


原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 19:07:08

Hey peeps , me again ? I’m trying to do my first print (test cube) but when I insert the usb stick into printer , there are no print files ? I even sliced and saved it on Chitubox and put that on the usb stick but still doesn’t show up on printer ?


Chris Baker
2019-10-13 19:08:32

Alex Vee
2019-10-13 19:09:16

Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 19:10:28

Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 19:10:59

Simon Leclerc
2019-10-13 19:30:29

Chris Sutherland
2019-10-13 19:59:23

Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 21:12:08

Chris Sutherland
2019-10-13 21:13:19

原文網址 Steven Curnick
2019-10-12 23:58:34

Hey peeps ! Newbie here ? I wanted to get advice on having my anycubic photon s in my office upstairs, I haven’t set the printer up yet, Does the printer give off a lot of toxic fumes which can be harmful? I have two little ones so my first thought was to have it in the garage but it’s not really ideal for me to be working in there, plus winter is already on its way so don’t think that would be great for the printer. Thanks in advance!


Mathieu Mall
2019-10-12 23:59:27

Chris Baker
2019-10-13 00:02:09

Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 00:04:34

Dustin Oliverius
2019-10-13 00:04:48

Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 00:05:13

TJ Henry
2019-10-13 00:17:42

Callum Rex Reid
2019-10-13 00:20:09

Chad Elstad
2019-10-13 00:33:42

Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 00:40:59

Chad Elstad
2019-10-13 01:17:08

Steven Curnick
2019-10-13 01:21:58

Chad Elstad
2019-10-13 01:23:00



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