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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2020-03-03 10:48:53

So just got another photon and the software is completely different than the one I got a year ago. None of my old files will work and if i use chitubox it will not show up as a file anymore. Any ideas?


Jason Pedersen
2020-03-03 10:51:26

Chris Robinson
2020-03-03 10:51:33

Chase Fenner
2020-03-03 11:10:39

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-03 11:53:13

Chase Fenner
2020-03-03 12:01:29

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-03 12:09:52

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2020-02-25 07:29:44

Tried to replace LCD screen and got this error code. It is not sending to the LCD at all. Any ideas?


Marvin Tomizzi
2020-02-25 07:33:07

Alexandre Renard
2020-02-25 08:03:49

Chase Fenner
2020-02-25 08:07:10

Chase Fenner
2020-02-25 08:07:12

Whitey Lancer
2020-02-25 10:16:40

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2020-02-19 04:01:35

So I have seen several people lately saying that they are having the same issue. Is anyone else having an issue where the printer hardens the center of the plate each build but still prints just fine other than that and around the corners? Any idea what is the cause?

I have releveled
Changed the fep
Tuned the fep using audio tool
Changed the bottle of resin and the color
Checked and cleaned the screen under the vat


Nick Taylor
2020-02-19 04:03:30

Scott Pavlich
2020-02-19 04:04:09

Sydnee Davidson
2020-02-19 04:06:06

Mike Nellis
2020-02-19 04:06:34

Mike Nellis
2020-02-19 04:07:42

Mike Nellis
2020-02-19 04:08:16

Kevin Boogaard
2020-02-19 07:19:30

Chase Fenner
2020-02-19 07:28:30

Kevin Boogaard
2020-02-19 07:29:08

Janus Stark
2020-02-19 19:42:05

Stephen Hill
2020-02-20 21:38:25

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2020-02-11 07:10:13

I do not know what i am doing wrong and could use some help. This seems to mainly only be a problem when using grey. The printer for some reason always prints this thin layer of flimsy film right in the middle. It usually still successfully prints with that hanging off or Tangled up in the supports.

Then for some reason the fep is loosening and being to get tightened every couple of prints. I have gone through 3 fep sheets trying to fix. I have done the normal and Flint method of leveling and the uv light and screen looks fine in the machine. Any ideas?


George Bulte
2020-02-11 07:16:35

Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-02-11 14:04:51

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2020-01-29 16:09:02

I do not know what happened but all of a sudden I cannot get a successful print. Was working fine but then it started failing right in the middle of the build plate and sticking to the fep. I have changed the fep, tried different prints to see if the print was the problem, and releveled but still having the exact same issues. Any ideas what it could be?


TJ Strickland
2020-01-29 16:12:07

Ante Ravlić
2020-01-29 16:17:25

Chase Fenner
2020-01-29 16:19:22

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2019-12-21 11:12:49

Been having an issue in the last few days. Tried releveling the bed and didn't really help. My prints are failing and flattening out at various points. Also thought it could be supports and tried adding more but didn't help. Any ideas?


Chase Fenner
2019-12-21 11:17:54

Stephen Mitchell
2019-12-21 11:18:16

Chase Fenner
2019-12-21 11:18:23

Jason Pedersen
2019-12-21 11:19:54

Ivan Adhi R
2019-12-21 11:21:56

Chase Fenner
2019-12-21 11:31:55

Jason Harris
2019-12-21 11:38:49

Jason Pedersen
2019-12-21 11:39:50

Tauri Icenogle
2019-12-21 12:15:15

J.R. Moore
2019-12-21 13:50:18

TJ Strickland
2019-12-21 14:24:24

Spencer Griffin
2019-12-21 15:44:16

Ivan Antharon Antalec
2019-12-21 17:41:00

Otto Rey
2019-12-22 07:27:28

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2019-11-30 16:03:55

I am having an issue that just started today. Had the printer for less than 6 months. All of a student it is having a grinding sounds when it goes down. Any ideas on what could cause this and if it is a simple fix can you provide a link to whatever I need to get? Thank you.


Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2019-11-30 16:07:48

Chase Fenner
2019-11-30 16:09:11

Pablo Coralio Ballester Pla
2019-11-30 16:10:27

Robert Mun
2019-11-30 16:23:38

Scott Schwoppe
2019-11-30 16:23:50

Wee Liam Tai
2019-11-30 18:58:41

Wee Liam Tai
2019-11-30 19:00:43

Janne Sjöström
2019-11-30 19:47:28

Kirk Norris
2019-11-30 20:48:02

Robert Mun
2019-12-01 06:16:59

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2019-11-17 15:28:42

Having an issue with prints lately. Not sure what it is. The Soopers look like they flatten and fail but then somehow usually the print still ends up succeeding. Any ideas?


Sammy Schuster
2019-11-17 15:34:44

Chase Fenner
2019-11-17 15:35:48

Jan Pfriender
2019-11-17 21:57:18

原文網址 Chase Fenner
2019-09-19 02:28:20

Hello. New to group and just got a photon printer. I am having some issues with it. I set it up and leveled the bed. Got it all going but every time I try to print it will not adhere to the bed. It sticks to the bed instead. I have tried all of the following.

1) updated the firmware.
2) leveled the bed about 10 times.
3) cleaned bed and vat
4) tried a different print instead of the cube

No idea what is wrong. Any help would be appreciated.


Alexx Butnotalex
2019-09-19 02:31:55

Chase Fenner
2019-09-19 02:49:54

Alexx Butnotalex
2019-09-19 02:51:26

Daniel Feeney
2019-09-19 02:55:24

Bob Ivan
2019-09-19 02:55:50

Itse Kuiper
2019-09-19 03:20:33

Chase Fenner
2019-09-19 04:26:35

Ian Gill
2019-09-19 05:32:23

Chase Fenner
2019-09-19 06:08:26

Jesse DeGraff
2019-09-19 08:48:52

Itse Kuiper
2019-09-19 12:50:05



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