I have uploaded 2 screen shots to illustrate my problem. I hope you can help me.
I have designed part of a building in Blender. It consists of 4 walls with siding, windows and a door. One of the screen shots shows it as it appears in Blender. You can see that it has no ceiling or floor, just the walls. I export it as an STL file.
The next screen shot is from Chitubox, showing the imported STL file after I added supports for printing. All is well at this point. No ceiling, no floor. I slice it and export it as a .photon file, and the File Validator says "Whoopee."
Then I print the photon file and get a print that has a solid ceiling and floor, which traps a load of resin.
I have gone back to the File Validator and close inspection shows a 16-layer ceiling and a 16-layer floor, which is invisible in Blender or Chitibox. Is their a way to prevent this, short of using the File validator to delete the ceiling and floor, pixel by pixel?
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