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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-27 23:53:15

Hello! I really, really need your help here.

Here's a nice collection of my latest print failures, all from one and the same print xD If you want to help, please read more :)

I have Anycubic Photon, the original, and I've had it for a few months now, 4 bottles of resin used with little to no problems. The bed is levelled, FEP makes a nice drum sound when poked and isn't broken, temperature is acceptable (~18 °C), resin is Elegoo Grey, settings worked for all this time perfectly, as well as supports, no file errors, or corruption detected. What's more, these models were printed before in similar configuration.

The failures have all been marked, but I can point them out individually.

1. The whole bottom-left area seems to not have stuck to the plate, and I can see individual layers not sticking to each other too.

2. At one point, one third of the plate just stopped printing for a while, which happened one print before in the same place at a different height. The other part was stuck to the FEP, but a big chunk was missing in between.

3. At the bottom layers, printing seems to have moved to the right a little, creating a weird warp.

4. There are 2 or 3 very visible layer lines on the cylinder, maybe some warping happened there too.

Similar failures also happened the last time I printed something, but I thought it was file corruption, so I printed again. Right now I don't want to print again until I know what went wrong.

Maybe you had those problems before, and know the reason? Please tell me what you think, and what I should do. Thank you for your help!


Andy Turtle Consiglio
2020-03-27 23:55:56

Try wiping the build plate with acetone, that fixed that issue for me

Daniel Kelly
2020-03-28 00:15:52

I think your room temperature should really be a bit higher - around 23C-25C optimal. Could also be that the resin needs to be mixed better. I know I've had successful prints and then printed straight away afterwards and the next one has failed - my assumption for that failure is that the resin has settled in the VAT. next print, nothing else changes but I put the resin back in the bottle and shake it like crazy and the next print is perfect.

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-28 00:18:19

Thanks! But in my case I mixed the resin after the first one that failed, and printed this next.. plus this doesn't really explain why printer just stopped working on the same side and just didn't print a chunk of the miniature..

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-28 00:21:20

Also, do you think it might be a broken screen?

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-18 23:12:09

Okaaay, minis printed before with no issues, what's the problem here? Location seems random


Ernest Sandridge Ill
2020-03-18 23:29:44

following, had issue on last print i did.
Supports and everything were there, just didnt print the legs but everything else above.

Alexander Bayerdorffer
2020-03-18 23:33:29

Enough suction to delaminate the layer if not enough exposure time perhaps because it wasn't hollowed and then after it came down it squished the layer back "in place" cured over the top and then had enough to keep going. Up your exposure by .5 seconds and hollow the model

Jacob Palmer
2020-03-18 23:36:15

Hollowing a 28mm model is not worth it. But exposure increase and maybe temperature too

Curtis Finnigan
2020-03-18 23:50:39

My guess would be a file error ?‍♂️ .

Hopefully someone who knows can answer your question properly.

Wes Shawshank Crain
2020-03-18 23:58:59

Mine does this before the screen fails every time

Rupert Dunn
2020-03-19 07:19:08

this, pre warm your resin and consistent room temp (i aim for 20c). laziest way to reduce suction. exposure looks fine for now.

Rupert Dunn
2020-03-19 07:21:18

oh actually, another possibility is you missed an island, it stuck to the FEP, and the next layer gets peeled off by the edge.

and another
maybe you knocked your machine.

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-10 22:55:35

The place where I try to print my minis is fairly cold, and my prints aren't as good as they have been. Can you recommend a heater to put in the Photon?


Scott Pavlich
2020-03-10 23:06:05

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-10 23:10:13

Richard Humble
2020-03-10 23:11:42

Ted Bell
2020-03-10 23:14:17

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-10 23:22:25

Richard Humble
2020-03-10 23:41:41

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-10 23:49:07

Richard Humble
2020-03-11 00:09:48

Richard Humble
2020-03-11 00:10:54

Richard Humble
2020-03-11 00:11:05

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-09 05:54:25

A little something I painted during a break from painting 3D-printed stuff. Base needs more work, but it's.. well.. finished otherwise. What do you think of the paintjob?


Jacob Hale
2020-03-09 06:09:49

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-03-09 06:12:11

Troy Davidson
2020-03-09 06:47:45

Brent S. Jernigan
2020-03-09 08:21:45

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-02-28 05:21:47

Rushed the base a little, and face looks like crap, but hey, it's not half bad I guess?


Petr Grössl
2020-02-28 05:28:26

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-02-17 07:58:04

I painted a.. thing, I guess?


Kurt Brown
2020-02-17 08:01:16

Casey Frank
2020-02-17 09:29:24

Steven Dullaert
2020-02-17 19:42:34

Benjamin Fox
2020-02-17 22:46:46

Brendan Wood
2020-02-17 23:40:58

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-02-15 23:41:17

First whole body Kylo Ren I've seen. Star Wars fans might be interested!


原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-20 01:44:11

Well.. couldn't help myself xD

That's going to be my next project. Printing in progress, will post more photos as it gets printed :P

Thanks to Pop Totem Escultura for the beautiful 3D sculpt :)

My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/crappypainter/


原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 06:54:57

Hey all! Crappy painter here.

I just wanted to share with you guys the most epic model I've printed and preshaded so far. Painting is in progress, but I can already feel that it will be amazing ?

It's a dragon from Archvillain Games , the epic model they wanted to release for all their patrons on Patreon upon reaching 200 patrons. They rushed it, dragon is available now, that is, during January, and ONLY in January, so if you want it, go and get it. It's literally $10 xD

Well, they are also running a painting competition, the rules of which can be found on their group Archvillain Games Patrons . You can win an annual subscription to their .stl files for printing! Might want to check this out ?

Patreon link : https://www.patreon.com/ArchvillainGames/posts


Milton Farfán Salazar
2020-01-03 06:57:33

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 06:58:09

Milton Farfán Salazar
2020-01-03 06:58:37

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 06:59:17

Frank Harper
2020-01-03 07:23:26

Michael D Showalter
2020-01-03 07:25:54

Justin Lincoln
2020-01-03 07:29:43

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 07:36:20

Michael Steadham
2020-01-03 07:38:34

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 07:38:53

Michael Steadham
2020-01-03 07:39:14

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 07:40:18

Kevin Schneider
2020-01-03 07:53:50

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 07:55:46

Michael Steadham
2020-01-03 07:59:15

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 08:01:26

Ken Shoning
2020-01-03 08:39:46

Sean R. Lake
2020-01-03 08:41:52

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 08:46:47

Mike Vayakornvichit
2020-01-03 09:15:51

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 09:17:52

Mike Vayakornvichit
2020-01-03 09:20:38

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 09:32:45

Mike Vayakornvichit
2020-01-03 09:35:17

Konstantinos Martinos
2020-01-03 09:39:29

Khristian Sutherland
2020-01-03 09:41:22

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 09:43:24

Khristian Sutherland
2020-01-03 09:44:14

Ken Shoning
2020-01-03 10:01:23

Nathan Williams
2020-01-03 10:18:07

Kalob Porter
2020-01-03 12:51:43

Aaron Dunster
2020-01-03 13:23:55

Tuan Pham
2020-01-03 13:55:51

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 17:17:16

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 17:26:13

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-03 17:27:01

Verity Filipow
2020-01-03 18:42:26

Luiz Junior
2020-01-06 08:02:42

Christopher Barnes
2020-01-21 00:34:04

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-21 00:36:34

Christopher Barnes
2020-01-21 00:38:02

原文網址 Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-01 08:35:03

Hi all! Crappy painter checking in!

I rushed with the painting of the great eagle from Archvillain Games for their contest, which ends January the 7th, it has been extended! I had it printed fully just yesterday, and quickly painted it up in just a couple of hours. So don't expect too much detail this time ?

Nevertheless, I found it very fun to paint ^^ If you want such high quality models, you should definitely check out Archvillain Games on Patreon, link below.

Oh, and also, I've heard, that on January, they will release a huge and insanely detailed dragon model, you don't want to miss it! ? Grab it on their Patreon!



Sean Bauer
2020-01-01 09:20:03

Sean Bauer
2020-01-01 09:21:07

Wojtek Gierszal
2020-01-01 14:22:33

Ioan Flerr
2020-01-01 14:29:33



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