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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-18 06:22:26

Does anyone have any recommendations for exposure times on anycubic white at .02?

I'm not able to run the exposure test settings on account of only having brief access once or twice a week to my printer, and the doc isn't very helpful.

I'm thinking 5 seconds should be fine, but I don't know for certain?


Ben Johnston
2020-03-18 06:49:05

White absorbs ok so you can probably try 8 sec or so without losing detail to be safe. 5 might be a little soft on some features and you start losing them on the FEP

Ben James Couey
2020-03-18 07:22:02

Ben Johnston I used 6 seconds in the clear resin at that height, and the details came out great. Would the white require longer curing than the clear?

Ben Johnston
2020-03-18 08:38:57

You can more safely cook the white a bit longer because the light doesn't bleed through it like it does the clear resins.

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-17 14:42:04

Two successful minis, cured and clear coated. My half elf bard, and my buddies Dwarf rogue.
I posted the elf yesterday, but I think two successes in a row deserves to be celebrated. Only done a handful of prints, since I can only use the printer on my days off. When I can get out to the garage

Edit: print settings are anycubic clear resin, .02 later height, 6 second exposure. 8 bottom layers, bottom layer exposure 50. Off time 1.


Jonathan Basseri
2020-03-17 14:45:40

Are those hero forge downloads?

Merv Hinton
2020-03-17 14:51:32

Please may we have the print settings ? Resin Layers exposure times ?

Ben James Couey
2020-03-17 14:51:46

Jonathan Basseri yeah heroforge.

Ben James Couey
2020-03-17 14:53:54

Merv Hinton anycubic clear, 6 second exposure,
.02 later height.

Merv Hinton
2020-03-17 15:11:16

TYVM .... Bottom layers ?

Ben James Couey
2020-03-17 15:11:44

8, exposure fifty.

I'll add that all to the post too

Merv Hinton
2020-03-17 15:16:57

Perfect..when you can see awesome results like this it'll be really good to get the numbers,Resin and suchlike for reference..the Google spreadsheet was ok for starters but I think we need to get a bit more result based.. especially for people having problems with peeling and poor resolution..

Ben James Couey
2020-03-17 15:19:54

Merv Hinton the doc had really bad info for the clear resin. Went through a bunch of trial and error. At these settings spots that don't have too much support tend to fail, even if those spots aren't islands. Like, the dwarfs arm, printed sheared off. Had to support it better. Second try the base got messed up, so I supported that better. Third try it all came out nice.

Merv Hinton
2020-03-17 15:23:49

That's the spirit..good man..So depressing when prints fail time after time but then when it comes good..Oh Boy !! :)

Simon Wilson
2020-03-17 18:58:29

Nice to see it works going under the default 8 seconds, something for me to try later :)

Chris Sawtelle
2020-03-17 23:42:02

What did you clear coat with?

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-16 13:00:17

After a multitude of failures, my custom heroforge figurine printed successfully. Including the hidden message on the base plate.


Melissa Dodd
2020-03-16 13:08:46

Ben James Couey
2020-03-16 13:09:03

Melissa Dodd thank you

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 09:56:54

Printed three miniatures. Two came out fine. The third has a screwed up platform. Any ideas?


Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 10:25:05

Dave Baston
2020-03-13 19:31:36

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 04:17:39

Anyone have any idea if this works for 405 nm, it doesn't say on the box anywhere.


Brandon White
2020-03-13 04:20:01

Joshua S. Murray
2020-03-13 04:29:50

Brandon White
2020-03-13 04:36:03

Clinton Barnard
2020-03-13 04:58:16

Brandon White
2020-03-13 04:59:17

Clinton Barnard
2020-03-13 05:47:01

Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 06:55:08

Scott Bez Brew
2020-03-13 10:37:02

Scott Bez Brew
2020-03-13 10:38:57

Chase Wichert
2020-03-14 20:52:18

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 01:24:06

Not seeing mean green, is this stuff decent?


Gary Houser
2020-03-13 01:25:01

Ben Miller
2020-03-13 01:26:11

Joseph Gasser
2020-03-13 01:27:38

Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 01:33:01

Dane Bennett
2020-03-13 01:41:15

Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 01:50:52

Mark Rhodes
2020-03-13 01:52:43

Wes Mischke
2020-03-13 02:13:40

Dane Bennett
2020-03-13 02:29:56

Gary Slovinsky
2020-03-13 07:24:08

Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 07:58:49

Mark Rhodes
2020-03-13 08:06:13

Ben James Couey
2020-03-13 08:39:55

Andres Solano
2020-03-13 13:45:40

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-12 11:16:55

For those of you using Mean Green, what ultrasonic cleaner do you use? Would this be a decent budget cleaner?


Riika Magnus
2020-03-12 11:43:03

Jeff Greenfield
2020-03-12 11:56:14

Ben James Couey
2020-03-12 11:59:35

Ben James Couey
2020-03-12 12:00:11

Jeff Greenfield
2020-03-12 12:04:52

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 12:45:31

Last time I printed my ocarina, in anycubic clear, I had the layer thickness at .1, bottom exposure set to 60, normal exposure set to 15, and the project came out very yellow, and took 8 hours.

I want to speed it up, and get rid of the yellow hue, as much as possible. I'm considering a second print at 50 bottom exposure, and 10 normal exposure. Should take about 6 hours. Would this be cutting too many corners, or nah?


Nipuna Gunarathne
2020-03-08 13:03:16

Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 13:03:48

Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 13:04:00

Samuel Bowden
2020-03-08 13:12:33

Scott Pavlich
2020-03-08 13:16:17

Miles Redman
2020-03-08 13:19:17

Miles Redman
2020-03-08 13:20:25

Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 13:47:59

Miles Redman
2020-03-08 14:17:53

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 10:40:44

Will this work as a makeshift curing chamber? Tinfoil in the top window as well.

這會作為臨時治癒室嗎? 在頂部窗戶上也有tinfoil.

· 查看原文 · 為此翻譯評分

Tim Borschel
2020-03-08 10:41:53

Erik Morris
2020-03-08 10:43:07

Francisco Rebolledo
2020-03-08 10:43:33

Stephen Brewer
2020-03-08 10:43:51

Adam Fitzgerald
2020-03-08 10:44:12

Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 10:45:15

Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 10:45:28

Adam Fitzgerald
2020-03-08 10:45:33

John Coffman
2020-03-08 10:46:56

Adam Fitzgerald
2020-03-08 10:47:19

Adam Fitzgerald
2020-03-08 10:47:44

Phlavio Spr
2020-03-08 11:11:32

Jon Foster
2020-03-08 13:16:21

Anzhelika Tr
2020-03-08 14:43:08

Scott Kernaghan
2020-03-08 15:29:58

Giancarlo Arriola
2020-03-08 15:37:19

Tim Moulton
2020-03-08 15:55:06

Janne Sjöström
2020-03-08 16:22:09

Keith Madeira
2020-03-08 18:43:03

Matt Hockenheimer
2020-03-08 20:30:49

Gary Houser
2020-03-08 21:35:17

Pete Kastner
2020-03-08 21:51:49

Jesse Stenner
2020-03-08 23:15:21

Clifford Schwankner
2020-03-08 23:33:56

Shinagamei Cooley
2020-03-09 00:08:01

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-09 00:15:31

Ryan Turner
2020-03-09 00:25:08

Ben James Couey
2020-03-09 01:03:48

Ben James Couey
2020-03-09 01:03:57

Tim Parks
2020-03-09 01:42:32

Jamie Ott
2020-03-09 01:43:47

Dominick Trascritti
2020-03-09 02:17:53

Benjamin Mitchell
2020-03-09 02:28:10

Justin Miller
2020-03-09 02:33:50

Stephanie McGathy
2020-03-09 02:35:00

Chris Thiessen
2020-03-09 03:16:59

Richard Gregg
2020-03-09 03:31:54

Renaud Bay
2020-03-09 04:42:37

Ben James Couey
2020-03-09 04:56:52

Roby Ellis
2020-03-09 06:05:52

Fred Breton
2020-03-09 22:35:22

Lou Steinritz
2020-03-10 01:51:34

John Henry
2020-03-10 01:55:53

Randy Hayes
2020-03-11 08:22:04

Ben James Couey
2020-03-11 08:23:32

Tom Sargison
2020-03-13 22:33:18

原文網址 Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 04:52:32

My print smells like the liquid UV resin still. Is that a sign that I didn't cure it long enough?


Chad Elstad
2020-03-08 05:07:03

Ben James Couey
2020-03-08 05:15:12

Justin Marks
2020-03-08 06:53:04

Chad Elstad
2020-03-08 07:01:00



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