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Anycubic Photon Printer Owners 造訪社團 » 用戶發文

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-30 17:18:16

Has anyone tried smaller layers than 0,05 with Anycubic White?
I currently use Anycubic white with 0,05 and 9 Sec exposure but I would like to go lower for a smaller model but don't have any clue what would be a good exposure to start with.

我目前使用任何0,05秒和9秒曝光的任何立方白色, 但我想降低一個更小的模型, 但不知道甚麼會是好的曝光.

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Jarin Udom
2020-03-30 17:19:31

Use the XP finder and you’ll know exactly what exposure to use ?

Ben Branson
2020-03-30 22:32:11

There is a setting in the community doc for .025 layer height with the white that worked well for me

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-27 08:27:00

I thinking about printing really small objects like 2-3mm... I think what would be best setting to neglect the fact that bottom leyer is usualy flattened. Anyone had experience with printing objects so small any recomendations or tips ?


Jon Hazan
2020-03-27 08:31:10

I actually did this the other day with Stuart
You need to use supports and a raft. At that size I couldn't get something that small to stay atrached to the build plate

Niall Forrester
2020-03-27 14:37:23

I agree that supports is probably the way to go. At that size, if you are designing the parts yourself, one option might be to build supports into the model itself.

I have built cast resin model kits, and they commonly have small parts mounted on a l arger 'sprue'. You then cut off the parts with a sharp knife or razor saw. I have considered this option for my own printed small parts where supports will be tricky (not actually experimented with the idea yet though).

If using normal supports, try using only one or two smallish supports at the lowest point(s), then really tiny supports elsewhere if needed. Experiment with your own support settings, do not trust default settings (for sure avoid auto generated supports). And spend some time figuring out the orientation that will minimise the support needed.

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-27 17:43:29

I think I'll have to design supports myself because those of chitubox even when added manually "bite" into the model too deep. Thank you for the advice!

Jon Hazan
2020-03-28 23:16:42

Piotr Kuśmierski Use PrusaSlicer it has far better supports. Add the supports, export and then slicer as normal in chitu

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-29 02:12:39

The prusa slicer supports bite in model even deeper ;) . I use it daily on larger models

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-24 04:29:01

Does anyone know if there are some nice matalic resins on the market ?


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Yessik Ziiq
2020-03-24 04:34:26

Nick Eichler
2020-03-24 08:01:07

Super thick resin to use,Have very mixed results with it,End up with alot of metallic on top side of prints and not so much down sides

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-23 10:41:05

Once again I have heavy lines on models with stright walls. This time I was trying to use 2 layer AA from anycubic validator but results are poor. Can you give me any advice how to dea with it when I cant change orientation of a model on build plate ?

我再次在模特兒上有強烈的台詞. 這次我試圖使用任何立方驗證器的2層aa, 但結果很差. 當我無法改變模特在構建板上的方向時, 你能給我任何建議如何使用藥物管理局嗎?

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Ben Brooks
2020-03-23 10:46:48

Layer height?

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-23 10:50:59

Thats the pixels u see.. put it diagonally across the buildplate..

Johnny Johnsen
2020-03-23 10:52:22

What youre seeing, is each "row" of pixels on the lcd.. it is, the physical resolution of the printer youre seeing..

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-23 10:52:47

layer hight 0.05

Jason Pedersen
2020-03-23 10:54:18

Jason Pedersen
2020-03-23 10:54:56

Trying to find "this" gifs that aren't overused is proving tricky.

William Tatum
2020-03-23 10:56:50

Tyron Craft
2020-03-23 10:59:01

Jesus! How long was that print! And how many litres of resin!

Vincent Balmont
2020-03-23 11:00:46

Tyron looks hollow, I would say 150ml at most

Tyron Craft
2020-03-23 11:02:05

Vincent Balmont oh yea shes hollow alright, but damn that would be annoyong if it ran out of resin mid print

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-23 11:02:41

It is hollow with it was printed on 1 vat of resin ( up to the normal limit) it was 10h and 5 min

Vincent Balmont
2020-03-23 11:03:37

Tyron Craft 3 times I have printed and ran out of resin lol, I always forgot the check becauae I normally just print minis. I just slice the model and print the missing bit and glue it together if possible

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-23 11:23:27

I was checking it;). I run out of resin only once and it was when drain hole cloged and hollow model suck a lot of resin inside ;)

Tyron Craft
2020-03-23 11:24:33

Ohhh so frustrating, how did the supported side end up? Mine are always wavy. Im yet to figure out how to stop it

Stefan Giudici
2020-03-23 11:40:12

Is it hollow? Does it have vent holes? Why can't you change the orientation?

Fred Bey
2020-03-23 15:05:55

David Devonport
2020-03-23 16:47:03

If you can't rotate the model because it's too big for the plate then use software like meshmixer to break it down into smaller pieces you can angle properly

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-23 19:43:45

I have vent holes;) 8 of them. I can't change orientation because it wont fit on a build plate.

Stefan Giudici
2020-03-23 21:02:37

Vent holes on the side nearest the plate?

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-23 21:03:48

Vent holes on the side neares the plate as well two on the top to drain a model from resin that might stuck inside.

Stefan Giudici
2020-03-23 21:04:17

Great, just checking

Brklyn Brklyn
2020-03-24 03:06:09

does anyone have an image of a large hollow item being printed? Im doing something ver simular, and im having a hard time aswell.

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-24 04:26:06

I have few large hollow print files. Do you have something specific in mind ?

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-17 16:38:28

Encouraged by good opinions about Prusa slicer auto support I tried support did not hold.
I attach settings used please help me tell what am I doing wrong.
The minimum point distance was set to 2mm and support density to 90%. Clipping of view 0.0


2020-03-17 17:55:11

Looks like Anycubic translucent green resin?
What are your cure-times and peel speed settings?

Compared to your settings btw,
I run with 0.4 support head diameter and penetration.

Default Anycubic Photon resin curing settings, only upped base layer exposure to 60 seconds.
No issues for me with Prusa Autosupport.

So the 2 things that seem to go wrong seems to be curing and or support head diameter/penetration.

The lower your Support diameter/penetration the more supports you will need...
If you look at 3dPrintingPro's videos, he does it manually with 0.12, but he OVER supports (as in more than 100%) to support details, and uses a higher penetration/diameter to keep the model to the buildplate.

Your settings now just makes all "Light" supports so you will need more to hold...

I print on 28-32mm scale, and after print, I wash my prints, and throw them in a bowl hot water (tap warm) for ~15 seconds, and then remove the supports with no damage... (or so little, it will get lost when I basecoat the models). After removing supports then I cure....

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-17 18:02:31

Think for a fast answer. I use anycubiuc translucent green, 8 bottom layers with 60sec exp, rest of layers 8sec exp and 3 sec off time. And the model from Prusa autosport was my first failure from a long time. Ok, so you suggest changing 0.4 head dia meter and penetration. What minimal point distance and support density you use? I was afraid that 0.4 head will have problems with getting off-model without scaring. Do you have a problem with support scaring a model?

2020-03-17 18:21:07

Piotr Kuśmierski This is what I use. (room temperature ~18C )
Slight variations in settings for your personal situation may be required.

For as far as scarring, none / near to not visible for me on this scale.

2020-03-17 19:42:34

Oops sorry, seems double pasted the pad settings and Support settings were lost.

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-19 17:22:20

It worked ;-)

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-16 18:54:48

Can someone share their support settings for chitubox? I dont have access to my pc and can't export mine for few days:(


原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-13 00:03:23

Have anyone tried low odor resin from Prusa? I wonder if it really is low odor ?

Link to example of resin
https://shop.prusa3d.com/en/resin/996-super-low-odor-cyan-tough-resin-1kg.html?search_query=low+odor&results=3 翻譯年糕

Simon Vo
2020-03-13 05:39:35

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-11 18:18:42

This is my second day of print and another question:P I started to see that when I print straight flat surface I have those lines visible, is it normal or am I doing something wrong?


Kamil Bartosz Bilski
2020-03-11 18:20:58

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-11 18:22:55

Richard Humble
2020-03-11 18:24:55

Richard Humble
2020-03-11 18:27:22

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-11 18:48:24

Nick Van Oort
2020-03-12 01:40:04

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-12 02:03:23

Nick Van Oort
2020-03-12 02:08:28

Thomas Holm
2020-03-12 02:09:18

Alexx Butnotalex
2020-03-12 20:35:39

Tom Sargison
2020-03-13 16:52:24

原文網址 Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-10 19:20:37

I just finished my first small print and it came up quite fine. I wonder is there any way to make cured resin less matt and more translucent ?


Justin Miller
2020-03-10 19:22:10

Marc de Hoogh
2020-03-10 19:24:51

Christopher Fugate
2020-03-10 22:03:33

Alex M Cruz
2020-03-10 22:09:20

Oksana Shevchenko
2020-03-10 23:37:35

Alex M Cruz
2020-03-11 07:32:49

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-11 07:34:31

Alex M Cruz
2020-03-11 07:39:42

Alex M Cruz
2020-03-11 07:40:12

George Bulte
2020-03-11 07:43:01

Alex M Cruz
2020-03-11 07:44:06

George Bulte
2020-03-11 07:47:33

Peter Everett
2020-03-11 11:18:26

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-11 16:40:14

Nick Van Oort
2020-03-12 01:58:00

Susan Sioux Mercer
2020-03-12 12:11:43

Piotr Kuśmierski
2020-03-12 16:13:22

Susan Sioux Mercer
2020-03-12 16:14:27

Tom Sargison
2020-03-13 16:54:33



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